A-alcohol use
C-corticosteriod use
C-calcium low
E-estrogen low
S-sedentary lifestyle
what are the risk factors for osteoporosis
postnecrotic, laennec's/ alcoholic, billary
what are the types of cirrhosis
decrease in T3&T4 increase in TSH, bradycardia, bradypnea, cold,fatigue, constipation, hypoglycemia, weight gain, amenorrhea, expressionless, slurred speech, dry skin, coarse hair, hashimoto's disease, myxedema coma,
what is hypothyroidism
deficiency of insulin, seen with type 1, ketones, metabolic acidosis, kussmals respiration, 250-500 level
what is diabetic ketoacidosis
lifelong lactose restricted, infant may need soy based formula
what is the diet for galactosemia
milk, yogurt, turnip greens, spinach, cottage cheese, ice cream, and sardines
what are good sources of calcium
alcohol liver disease, viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, steatohepatitis, drugs and chemical toxins, gallbladder disease, metabolic/genetic causes, cardiovascular disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
what are common causes of cirrhosis
increase in T3&T4 and decrease in TSH, fast metabolic rate, hot, increased appetite, tachycardia, tachypnea, diarrhea, weight and hair loss, scant or absent menses, goiter, exophthalmos, graves disease, thyroid storm
what is hyperthyroidism
clinical signs of dehydration, hypotension, tachycardia, elevated BUN, altered mental status, level above 500
what is HHS
requires glucocorticoid replacement to survive, if sick give paranterally, stresses will require a stress dose, assess bone age annually, girls may require reconstructive surgery, assess growth and development
what is the treatment for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
fatty fish, eggs, cheese, butter/margarine, ready to eat cereals, milk, orange juice
what are good sources of Vit D
fatigue, weight changes, anorexia, vomitting, pain, tenderness, hepatomegaly, jaundice, icterus, dry skin, pruritis, rashes, purpuric lesions, warm and bright red palms, vascular lesions, ascites, periphereal edema, Vit deficiency( especially A, D,E, and K)
what are symptoms of cirrhosis
dysphagia, and painless enlargement of the thyroid gland, goiter
nonsurgical management, drug therapy- ASA, NSAIDs, thyroidectomy
what are the symptoms and treatment of thyroiditis
only given PO, hold for 48 hours before a procedure with dye and 48 hours after
what is Metformin
infants prefer water to milk, loss of weight, growth failure, dehydration, enuresis, excessive thirst and search for water overshadow everything else, perspiration deficient, skin dry
what are the manifestations of DI
Alendronate(Fosamax): daily or weekly, Risedronate (Actonel):daily weekly or monthly. Ibandronate (Boniva): monthly or every 3 months. Zoledronate: IV anually, Rankl inhibitors subq twice a year. Raloxifane (Evista)
what are the bisphosphonate meds for osteoporosis
X-Ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, EGD, liver biopsy( gold standard and needs to be position on right side after)
what are the imaging diagnostics for cirrhosis
diuretics, fluid therapy, phosphates, calcitonin, calcium chelators, increase fiber and moderate calcium, parathyroidectomy
what is the treatment for hyperparathyroidism
give the client 15 grams of fast acting simple carbohydrates, 3 or 4 glucose tabs for the equivalent of 15 grams of carbohydrates, dextrose gel, 4 ounces of fruit juice or regular soda / 6-10 hard candies / 2-3 teaspoons of sugar or honey
what is the treatment for hypoglycemia when they're conscious
early onset of puberty 8 in girls 9 in boys, premature appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, accelerated growth, advanced bone maturation, appears older than chronological age but treat them by chronological age, often bullied and have a higher risk of abuse
what is precocious puberty
Quantitative ultrasound and DXA
what are ways to diagnose osteoporosis
all patients with cirrhosis should be screened for esophageal varicies by an endoscopy, drug therapy (NO NSAIDs), endoscopic therapies, lifestyle changes (stop drinking alcohol, low salt diet, decrease sodium)
what are the nursing interventions for cirrhosis
IV calcium chloride, phosphorus binding drugs, increase calcium and decrease phosphorus
what is the treatment for hypoparathyroidism
when insulin resistant leads to increased insulin production to attempt to maintain a normal glucose level. characterized by hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and abdominal obesity.
what is metabolic syndrome
height less than 5th percentile for age and gender, diminished growth rate, immature faces, delayed puberty, hypoglycemia, diminished muscle mass, micropenis
what are the manifestations of growth hormone deficiency