What is the unit of measurement for aperture?
Describe the parallax problem.
Parallax occurs when the view through a camera's viewfinder and the lens differ. The problem was solved with the SLR, which directed the view through the lens.
What does 'Tv' stand for?
Time Value
What is the formal name for light produced by a traditional light bulb?
Tungsten or incandescent.
What does 'quality' refer to in terms of light?
Quality refers to the hardness or softness of light.
What is a fast lens?
A lens with a wide aperture (f/1.4) or low f-stop rating, which allows for a fast shutter speed.
What is a prime lens?
A lens with a fixed focal length.
What does ISO control?
Sensitivity of the sensor to light.
If you shoot indoors with your WB set to daylight, your pictures will turn out what color?
When is a fill flash used?
A fill flash is used when you want to brighten up shadows on a subject when the background is significantly brighter than the subject.
Describe the function of aperture priority mode.
User controls aperture, camera compensates with shutter.
What is a normal lens?
A lens that reproduces a field of view that appears natural to the human observer.
What do the 'quotation marks' mean by a shutter speed number?
Full seconds.
What is the color temperature (in degrees Kelvin) for the daylight setting?
What determines the softness or hardness of a light source?
What two things are controlled by aperture?
Exposure and depth of field.
Describe three ways to focus a lens.
Name the full ISO stops from 100 to 12800.
100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800
What is the color temperature (in degrees Kelvin) for the tungsten setting?
Name and describe the three components of a 3-point lighting setup.
Key - Main source of illumination, usually placed at 45 degree angle.
Fill - Add's light to shadow, usually placed 45 degrees on other side.
Backlight - Creates separation from background.
Name the full aperture stops from f/2 to f/22.
f/2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
Describe the three steps, in order, for cleaning a lens.
1. Blower, 2. Brush, 3. Lens cloth and fluid
Name the full shutter stops from 1/15 to 1/4000.
What is the color temperature (in degrees Kelvin) for the shade setting?
What does CDQQ stand for?
Color, Direction, Quality, Quantity