What can you use to help you encode memories? (5)
Hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell
Based on research, short-term memory lasts about how long without maintenance rehearsal?
20 seconds
What is the problem of memory?
Storing so much information in such a way that you can find the item you need when you need it.
How does shocking events, such as violence, impact memory?
It can disrupt our ability to form strong memories.
What do we lose sooner, old memories or new ones?
new ones
When do you use visual codes?
When you're trying to keep a mental picture
Approximately now many unrelated items can short-term memory hold at one time?
What makes recognition of certain things more easily to retrieve?
The more a memory is indexed the easier it is to retrieve
Relearning is a measure of what memory? (2)
declarative and procedural memory
What medicinal herb may influence memory?
ginkgo biloba
How much information is stored depends on what? (2)
How much effort was put into encoding the information and its importance.
What is working memory essential for? (2)
thinking and problem solving
What else does recall involve other than “searching for and finding pieces of information?” (3)
A person's knowledge, attitude, and expectations
What types of injuries can cause memory loss? (2)
head injuries or electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain
What two things are vital to a fully functioning memory? (2)
a healthy diet and plenty of rest
What are the three stages of memory?(3)
sensory, short-term, and long-term
What two components make up working memory? (2)
short-term memory and executive attention
What happens if our reconstruction of an event is incomplete?
We fill in the gaps by making up what is missing.
Forgotten memory can be recovered through what? (3)
meditation, hypnosis, or brain stimulation
What causes people as they age to have more difficulty with retrieval?
physiological changes in the brain
Sensory memory serves three functions. (3)
sight, hearing, and touch
What do psychologist’s think happen when we learn something?
a change in neuronal structure of nerves happen
What is a “flashbulb memory?”
an event that is shocking or emotional
What did Sigmund Freud call memories that are unable to be retrieved?
repressed memories
What is the “Engram?”
The location in the brain where memories are stored.