A sequence of significant events, experiences, and transitions in a person's life from birth to death
Event History
Preventable with alcohol abstinence
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Phase of middle childhood in which reasoning becomes more logical but remains at concrete levels
concrete operational phase
To ease separation from a caregiver, toddlers often make use of
Transitional object
Type of parenting where her parents set firm limits but are warm and nurturing
Group of persons who were born at the same historical time and who experience particular social changes within a given culture in the same sequence at the same age
Tools that newborns have for survival that are involuntary responses to simple stimuli
A phase of middle childhood in which children develop the capacity to cooperate and create
Industry versus inferiority phase
Skills that are used to jump rope or walk on a balance beam using a large muscle group
Gross motor skills
Parenting style where the parents are cold, harsh and sometimes spank their children
Long-term pattern of stability and change, which usually involves multiple transitions
According to Ainsworth theory of attachment, when a child is reluctant to explore the playroom and clings to the mother, it is considered to be
Anxious Attachment
Theory of Erikson based on the task of finding one's place in the world through self-certainty versus apathy
identity versus role diffusion
Describes the ability to scribble, and craw, cut with scissors, and print one's name?
fine motor skills
Gambling addiction can occur after learning occurs on a _______ type of reinforcement schedule
Variable ratio
Major theme of the life course perspective which suggests that particular age groups based on biological age, psychological age, and spiritual age
Timing of lives
When a child displays contradictory behavior such as attempting physical closeness but retreating with acts of avoidance
insecure disorganized/disoriented attachment
The ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations, to control impulse and delay gratification, to regulate one's moods and keep distress from swamping the ability to think, to empathize, and to home
Emotional intelligence
Ron is pretending to be a monster and chasing his little brother around. Which type of play is this?
sociodramatic play
Little Tyler, a 9-month-old infant, has just begun crawling. His mother, tired after a night where she got little sleep due to a loud party next door, is in the kitchen making breakfast for the family. Including Tyler, she has three children under the age of 5. While she cooks, Tyler happily scoots around the living room and sees the orange light of a floor heater flickering on and off. He crawls over toward the flickering light, smiling as he reaches out, trying to catch the disappearing light. The heater is extremely hot, as it has been on all night. Tyler touches it and screams out in pain. What type of learning has occurred with Tyler?
Operant conditioning
major theme of the life course perspective which suggests that the individual life course is constructed by the choices and actions individuals take within the opportunities and constraints of history and social circumstances
Human agency in making choices
Shorter labors, less pain, fewer medical interventions, and decreased postpartum depression is?
Woman who use doulas
According to Piaget's theory one of the main areas of cognitive development for adolescence
improved reasoning skills
abstract thinking
According to Freud, this stage of development children take pleasure in genital stimulation
Phallic stage
Robbie is 6 years old and of Vietnamese descent. His grandparents immigrated to the United States after the trauma of the Vietnam War. He is in first grade and his teacher suspects that he may have Attention Deficit Disorder. His teacher has made a referral to the school social worker. On the day before his appointment, the teacher has asked the students to practice writing letters of the alphabet. The task requires concentration, as the students are required to respond only to the verbal instructions of the teacher. Robbie, who loves to be the center of attention, holds up a book to hide his hands, then wads up small pieces of paper. He secretly flicks the paper wads at Tommy, one of the boys in the front row. Tommy is trying his best to concentrate and turns around and glares at Robbie. Robbie smiles at his success in getting Tommy’s attention—even if it is negative attention. After a few minutes, Robbie flicks another wad of paper at Tommy, who turns around again, glaring at him even harder. A few more minutes pass and Robbie aims his wads of paper at a few other unsuspecting classmates.
This scenario is an example of what type of learning?
Negative reinforcement