Unit 1: Heroes
Unit 2: All the World is a Stage
Unit 3: Goodbye to Romance
Unit 4: Imitation of Life
Unit 5:Dawning of a New Era

What is denotation?

It is the meaning that appears in the dictionary and has no associated negative or positive emotions.


Define perjury

Willfully telling an untruth in a court


Define arduous and use it in a sentence

Extremely difficult to achieve

Since the difficulties which render it arduous render it also glorious...


What is a synonym for impromptu?



What is the part of speech for surreptitiously and then define it


Stealthily or secretively


Explain what the difference between implicit and explicit meaning is

Implicit: inference, can be understood without being directly stated

Explicit: clearly stated and easy to detect


What is an archetype and list 2 examples of them?

Archetypes are familiar, commonly used character types and situations in stories

Ex: Hero, Battle b/t good and evil, the journey


True or False: Perspective is the point of view from which a story is told



What is the role of word choice?

To help the reader make determinations about the perspective of the story

True or False: Pacing can slow down or speed up the plot in a story



True or false: A writing skill is used to distract from the overall meaning and plot of the story. 

False: A writing skill is used to enhance the story and make it easier to write leading to a better story made.


Name 3 narrative techniques authors use to write a fictional narrative

Point of View, Characterization, and Tone


What is an exposition in writing?

It introduces the plot


How can having a strong resolution at the end of your story leave an impact on the person reading it?

The resolution wraps up the story and having a strong one makes the reader continue to think about the story which means the story left an impact on them.

What is a claim?

A claim is you as the writers opinion on a certain topic. It is like a thesis


How can the author use a flashback to help you as the reader understand the story?

A flashback goes back in time and it allows more history or background information on a certain aspect in the story, which allows the reader to gain more knowledge of the story.

What allows figurative language in your readings to be so powerful and beneficial?

Figurative language allows the reader to get a deeper meaning out of the text because usually the reference is something common in the readers life so they can get more out of the text.


When reading, why might it be helpful to identify ambiguities, implied meanings, and central ideas?

These all can help develop the theme of the story or the lesson learned that the author wants you to see as the reader.


How can making inferences while reading allow deeper understanding of the text?

Inferences are made by gathering textual evidence, so when you as a reader make inferences it shows that you are understanding what is happening and you are able to use evidence to prove your ideas.


Why would it be important to determine the tone of a story while reading?

By identifying the tone it allows the theme of the story to slowly unravel as well as understand context and perspective.


How can PRAAR help when writing a story?

It makes sure that what you are writing includes all components it needs and makes sense and can help you organize your thoughts better.


When writing a story, why does an outline help you?

An outline helps organize thoughts and ideas in a certain way so the story makes sense and flows.


Why can having a peer or another person edit your essay be helpful?

Another person looking at an essay allows feedback for you as the writer to maybe change your essay to make it better and to fix any mistakes that the peer may have seen.


In writing, what would be the purpose of using in-text citations?

In-text citations are key to developing a strong analysis story because they help support the main ideas with quotes/sayings specifically from a certain source. (It is not just your thoughts, other people have similar thoughts as well)


How is writing in MLA format a good thing to do?

MLA format allows a story to be organized and flow smoothly because it is easy to follow and some of the most important thins are incorporated in it
