What are Peasants/Serfs and Nobles?
A name for a Spanish explorer whose main goal was to conquer new lands.
What is a conquistador?
It was for this military advantage that helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs.
What are advanced weaponry/firearms?
A time period known as isolation from the rest of the world.
What is the Edo period?
The Toronto Maple Leafs
What is Mr. Adams' least favourite hockey team.
These were religious wars between Christians and Muslims. May have contributed indirectly to the Renaissance.
Gold, Glory, and God.
What are the Three G's?
A ritual that involved capturing enemy warriors and spilling their blood for the Gods.
What is Human Sacrifice?
These two religions were prevalent in Japan during the Edo and Meiji periods.
What are Shinto and Buddhism?
Who is Mr. Adams' favourite student?
A disease that wiped out a large number of people and contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance.
What is the Black Death/Black Plague?
A Spaniard that led the conquest over the Aztecs.
Who is Hernan Cortes?
This city impressed the Spanish with their technology/wealth and large population.
What is Tenochtitlan?
Only this group of people were permitted to trade with the Japanese during the Edo period.
Who are the Dutch?
Mr. Adams (Each team will have a chance to answer)
Answers may vary, best response will earn the money!
Three events that all contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance.
What are the Crusades, the Black Death, and the Creation of City States?
Ships were purposely engulfed in flames, for this reason.
How did Cortes keep his men from fleeing, what is now, Mexico?
The Spanish were able to conquer the Aztec's because of this main reason.
What is the Aztec's strong belief in their religion/prophecy?
Other possible answers could be accepted :Smallpox, advanced weaponry.
The order of social system during the Edo period from lowest to highest. (8)
Outcast, Merchants, Artisans, Peasants, Samurai, Daimyo, Shogun, and Emperor.
Shawshank Redemption
What is a really good movie/what is a movie?
A belief that focused on the importance of humans rather than divine or supernatural matters.
What is Humanism?
These two groups believed in expansion through conquest.
Who are the Aztecs and the Spanish?
This was destroyed in an attempt to remove all traces of Aztec religion.
What is the Aztec Stone Calendar?
This person would have thought the changes during the Meiji period would destroy Japan's culture and worldview.
Who is Tokugawa Ieyasu?
This fantastical creature can be found in Memes and in the Movie theatre.
Who is Morbius. Bonus points if your whole team does the Meme.