Context Clues
Point of View

What is a summary?

A brief statement about the main events of a story or event. 


What is Alliteration? 

The repetition of consonance sounds at the beginning of a word.  


What is theme?

Theme is the lesson the story teaches the reader. 


What are Context Clues? 

Words or phrases within a text that help you figure out the meaning of another word.


What is point of view?

Point of view has to do with who is telling the story and how they feel. 


What should a summary include?

1. Main Character(s) & characteristics.

2. Issues that happen before the problem is revealed.

3. Brief Description of the problem. 

4. Events that lead to the resolution. 

5. Description of the resolution. 


True or False: Theme and Main Idea are basically the same thing.

False! Theme is the lesson of the story, main idea is what the story is about.


What is the meaning of the word peer in the sentence below? 

Let's peer around the corner to make sure no one is coming.

To Look around. 

How do authors develop character's point of view in a story? 

Through dialogue, actions, and thoughts. 


When is a summary used?

After reading a story, a person may give a summary to help remember the main events. 


What are connotations? 

Feelings or emotions associated with a word. 


Kyle liked Lucy more than any other girl in the school, but he had an odd way of showing it. When she walked ahead of him in line, he kicked at the back of her shoe. When she passed him on the school yard, he called her “lame Lucy.” He even wrote a mean word on her homework during the bus ride to school. But what puzzled Lucy the most was receiving an invitation to Kyle’s birthday party. Figuring that he was just planning a mean trick on her, Lucy decided not to go, and while Kyle eagerly awaited Lucy’s arrival, Lucy talked on the phone to Jacob. When Kyle finally realized that Lucy was not coming to his party, he was crushed.

Theme: Don't play tricks or be mean to people you actually like. Be honest!


What does weary mean in the following sentence?

Colton was tired from a long day of playing ball outside. By dinner time he was so weary that he had to be excused from the table.



"Recess is a great thing to have at school! It gives students a break where they can move around. They are able to eat a snack and breathe fresh air. Maybe a longer recess should be considered!"

The author's view point about recess is that...

Recess is good for children

True or false: A summary is a list of the major and minor events of a story.
False. A summary will not include minor events.

Sea Fever

by John Masefield (1878-1967)

Masefield was a noted English poet. As a young man, he spent five years at sea writing about his adventures. He went on to become England's poet laureate. "Sea Fever" is one of his best-loved poems.

What is the connotative meaning of the word fever as used in the title of the poem?

A. anger B. desire C. loneliness D. sickness

 B. desire


Why do writers include themes in their stories?

To teach readers life lessons!


What does the word maneuver mean in the paragraph below? 

When Bessie Coleman decided to become a pilot, she had to travel to France to get her license. No flying schools in the U.S. were willing to teach an African American woman. But she earned her license in 1921 and soon became well known for her skills. She began performing stunts at air shows. People called her "Brave Bessie." She thrilled crowds with daring maneuvers like figure eights and loop the loops.

Skilled Airplane Tricks


I wonder who invented putting water into plastic bottles? Water bottles are disposable which means that they can be thrown away. Landfills are overflowing with garbage because people are too lazy to fill a reusable cup with water. Recycling has been set up, but many people do not recycle all of the water bottles that they use. The earth is being polluted with all the used water bottles.

The author's point of view towards water bottles is that...

People should not drink out of water bottles because they are disposable.


What does it mean to write an objective summary?

To stick to the facts when summarizing a text and not include your personal opinion. 


1. I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, 2. And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; 3. And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, 4. And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.

Why does the poet use alliteration on the w sound in line 3?

A. to create the feeling of movement and to imitate the sound of wind. B. to contrast the sound of the wind with the appearance of the sea. C. to emphasize the turning motion of the steering wheel on a ship. D. to stress the similar meanings of the three words. 

A. to create the feeling of movement and to imitate the sound of wind. 


Mr. Pig and Mr. Dog were hanging out at the food court of the animal shopping mall. Mr. Pig was eating a huge feast of pizza and drinking a large jug of fruit punch and Mr. Dog was watching him eat. “Hey, Mr. Pig. If you give me a slice of your pizza, I’ll let you have the next bone I find.” Mr. Pig declined, even though it hurt his stomach to eat the last three slices of pizza. “I’m sorry, Mr. Dog,” Mr. Pig said, “But I paid for this pizza and it’s all mine.” Mr. Dog sighed and waited for Mr. Pig to finish, and then they left the animal mall together. On the way out, a hunter spotted them and gave chase. Mr. Pig normally could have escaped the hunter but since he was weighed down by such a large meal, Mr. Pig collapsed and the hunter killed him. Mr. Dog easily escaped. Later that night while returning to the scene, Mr. Dog caught the scent of something delicious and began digging around a trash can. He found a large ham bone with lots of meat still stuck to the bone. Mr. Dog happily ate.

Don't be greedy!


GRANDPA: They also had cars, airplanes, and radios, but I don’t want to stun you with such revelations— 

What does the word revelations mean in the line?

A. hidden secrets B. valuable experience C. surprising information D. amazing inventions

C. surprising information


Which line shows Grandpa's point of view towards not completing college? 

JIMMY: Did you like college?

GRANDPA: I did like to learn. Learning was fun to me. Working through math problems, reading books, discovering new worlds. My entire life was filled with finding something new and different. It was wonderful.

JIMMY: But then you had to quit.

GRANDPA: Maybe you have to have something taken away from you before you can acknowledge what you had.

JIMMY: Why didn’t you ever go back to school and get your degree?

GRANDPA: Seems like something always came up and pushed my plans away: work, marriage, children. After awhile, you forget what you were planning to do because you’re trying to make things right for the future.

JIMMY: That’s too bad.

GRANDPA: It’s not bad. Life always throws something new at you. I have wonderful children, fine grandchildren. I’ve had a beautiful life. There are no regrets.

JIMMY: I’m sorry I never asked you about this before.

GRANDPA: It’s not bad. Life always throws something new at you. I have wonderful children, fine grandchildren. I’ve had a beautiful life. There are no regrets.
