Building Relationships & Friendships
Conflict in Relationships & Dark Side of Communication
Family & Marriage
Communication in Mediated Contexts
Interpersonal Relationships at Work & MISC

Define Social Communication Competence.

Social communication skills include the ability to adjust speech style based on context, understand the perspectives of others, understand and appropriately use the rules for verbal and nonverbal communication, and use the structural aspects of language.


Define conflict.

Conflict is an interactive process occurring when conscious beings (individuals or groups) have opposing or incompatible actions, beliefs, goals, ideas, motives, needs, objectives, obligations resources and/or values. 


True or False? Economic cooperation is one way families are characterized.



Define Frontstage and Backstage.

Front stage behavior, which are actions that are visible to the "audience" and are part of the "performance"; and backstage behavior, which are actions that people engage in when no "audience" is present.


What are the 6 common types of problematic bosses?

1. The different boss.
2. Good old boy/ girl.
3. Okay boss.
4. The toxic boss.
5. Self-centered taskmaster boss.
6. The intrusive harasser boss. 


Define Verbal Aggression.

A form of communication in which one attacks an individual’s self-concept with the intention to create psychological pain.


Define Frenemies. 

A person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry.


What is 'openness' in families and why is it important?

The term openness refers to how permissive system boundaries are to their external environment.


Netiquette is based on what two essential constructs?

Social Rules and Social Norms

You were just hired at a new job and you've created a work relationship with someone who is giving you informal help and sometimes advice. What is this relationship called?



List Rawlins five characteristics of friendship.

1. Voluntary
2. Personal
3. Equality
4. Mutual
5. Affective


What is the difference between emotional infidelity and sexual infidelity?

Sexual infidelity involves sexual intimacy and physical involvement. In contrast, emotional infidelity includes “emotional involvement with another person, which leads one’s partner to channel emotional resources such as romantic love, time, and attention to someone else.” 


True or False? The media correctly represented the reality of family dynamics on television during the 20th century. 



True or False? Technology-mediated communication allows you to communicate with others in the same way you can face-to-face.



What are the three Friendship Styles?

1. Independent

2. Discerning
3. Acquisitive


Name and define the 6 Love Styles.

1. Eros: Romantic love involving serial monogamous relationships
2. Storge: Love developing slowly out of friendship
3. Ludic: Love in which games involving lying and deceit are played
4. Agape: Selfless love in which the needs of others are prioritized
5. Pragma: Love involving logic and reason
6. Mania: Obsessive love that is insecure and requires constant reassurance


Name and define the different types of Secret Testing.

1. Directness Test
2. Endurance Test
3. Indirect Suggestions Test
4. Presenting the Relationship to Outsiders Test
5. Separation Test
6. Third-Party Test
7. Triangle Test


Name and define Fitzpatrick's three specific marriage types.

1. Traditional: Traditionals are highly interdependent, have a conventional ideology, and high levels of conflict engagement.
2. Independent: Independents have a high level of interdependence, an unconventional ideology, and high levels of conflict engagement.
3. Separates: Separates have low interdependence and low levels of conflict engagement. “Separates seem to hold two opposing ideological views on relationships at the same time. Although a separate is as conventional in marital and family issues as a traditional, they simultaneously support the values of independents and stress individual freedom over relational maintenance.” 


Define Synchronous and Asynchronous communication.  

Asynchronous communication

  • A mediated form of communication in which the sender and receiver are not concurrently engaged in communication

Synchronous communication

  • A mediated form of communication in which the sender and receiver are concurrently engaged in communication

What is the ERROR method and each of the 4 elements?

  • Empathy
  • Responsibility
  • Reason
  • Offer Reassurance

Name and define the 5 Stages of Coming Together and Coming Apart of Romantic Relationships

Coming together: Initiating; Experimenting; Intensifying; Integrating

Coming Apart: Differentiating;Circumscribing; Stagnating;Terminating


List and define each step of the STLC Conflict Model.

1. Stop: Physically and/or mentally take time to be present within the conflict.
2. Think: Consider the conflict itself and what one is communicating - consider possible causes and outcomes.
3. Listen: The goal is to suspend one’s judgment in order to accurately interpret the other’s message.
4. Communicate: Dependent upon the successful completion of prior steps and is the hardest component of conflict.


Name and define the 8 stages of the Family Life Cycle.

1. Young Singles
2. Young Couples (No Children)
3. Full Nest One (Pre-School Children)
4. Full Nest Two (School-Aged Children)
5. Full Nest Three (Older Children)
6. Empty Nest One (Still Working, Launched Children)
7. Empty Nest Two (Retired)
8. Solitary Survivor (Retired)


Which theory examines how information quality impacts computer-mediated communication?

Media Richness.


What are 6 reasons researchers have found that makes us attracted to others? (According to our textbook).

1. Physical Proximity
2. Physical Attractiveness
3. Perceived Gain
4. Similarities & Differences
5. Disclosure
