A.B.C's of dispatching
Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity
What is the disposition for Crash
Im a Breathalyzer Technician and I use number 2 what is my call sign
What is BAT02?
D19 is located in what talk group?
What is SR1A?
This would be included when running a 10-95
What is FDQ, QW, Palms?
What is every 30 minutes?
A radio identifier for a Command Duty Officer
What is 181U etc?
The Municipalities located in WR2A talk group and their names
What is District 9 - Village of Royal Palm Beach, District 17 - Town of Loxahatchee Groves, and District 18 - City of West Lake?
Response code for running a CCW
What is QCW?
Procedure (command line) for pulling a unit a case number
RP, Unit ID
PU, Unit ID
The abbreviation X is
What is across?
I am PBSO pilot and I fly the helicopter #4 my radio identifier is
What is Eagl4?
NR1A talk group has what Districts
Full procedure for confirming a 1049 in Palms
Shift & F10
Go down to Warrant Status & type "I" for Inquiry and hit enter
Review and look for "In File"
Procedure for taking a non-emergency call on 9-1-1
Advise them to call the non-emergency line in the future & provide them with the non-emergency number
Disposition for TOT
What is Turned Over To
Who would the call sign 476N be? (Be Specific)
What is a Non-Uniformed Narcotics Sergeant?
Dispatching a S/10 JOC on D1 in the area of Belvedere / Military Trail, it would get simulcasted on this talk group(s)
What is ER1A, NR1A, PBIA, and Inquiry?
An extra step that has to be taken when you're completing a 10-95 for a subject and the deputy gives you an out of state 10-27?
What is run the subject by name and DOB?
A dispatcher receives a possible Excited Delerium call, based off of Policy who is notified and who responds to this call?
6 units, a K9, make sure one is a CIT unit - a Sgt
Commo Spv and Watch Commander are to be notified - make sure ems is staging
ORI is the common abbreviation for
What is Origination Agency Identifier?
Radio ID for a unit that works in District 3 on night shift that works in sector 2 and goes 10-07 at 0630 hrs
What is 3B21, 3B23, 3B25, 3B27, or 3B29?
The municipalities that PBSO dispatches for - list the Districts and their names
( Write on the board )
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!! :))))
District 2 Town of Mangonia Park, District 8 Village of Wellington, District 9 Village of Royal Palm Beach, District 10 Town of Lake Park, District 11 City of South Bay, District 12 City of Pahokee, District 13 City of Belle Glade, District 14 Lake Worth Beach, District 16 City of Greenacres, District 17 Town of Loxahatchee Groves, District 18 City of West Lake, District 19 South Palm Beach, District 20 Palm Beach Shores
The NCIC/FCIC response code to run an out of state tag for 10-28 & 10-29?
What is RQ/QV?