Literary Elements
More Literary Elements
Figurative Language
Context Clues
Compare & Contrast

When we read the articles about the CNN Heroes, what was the main purpose of each article?

A. To inform readers about the qualities and accomplishments of that hero.

B. To entertain readers with fun stories about heroic people.

C. To express gratitude for the heroes' project.

D. To persuade readers to start their own projects.

A. To inform readers about the qualities and accomplishments of that hero.


What's the main conflict of "Lamb to the Slaughter"?

A. Mr. Maloney wanting to leave Mary.

B. Mary trying to elude the police.

C. The police trying to identify the murderer.

D. Mary cooking the lamb.

B. Mary trying to elude the police.


Give an example of an oxymoron.

A short, contradicting statement. 

Examples: living death, awfully good, deafening silence


Based on the context clues given in the sentence, define vexed

When Jose found out his little brother carelessly broke Jose's headphones, he was vexed and sure let his brother know it. 

Vexed: annoyed or frustrated


True or False:

Odysseus from the Odyssey and Vera from "The Open Window" share the character trait of pride and confidence. 



In the beginning of Unwind, Connor was characterized as...

A. An innocent tithe

B. A dependable, good kid who made some bad decisions

C. A boy known for his rash decisions

D. A vengeful, rebellious teenager

D. A vengeful, rebellious teenager


The author of "Sorry, Right Number" portrays Katie as...

A. An anxious but well meaning mother

B. A careless and cold wife

C. A kind and caring sister

D. A sweet and thoughtul friend

A. An anxious but well meaning mother


The following statement has what type of figurative language?

"The first time I drove a car, I was overwhelmed by what seemed like hundreds of different distractions."

Hyperbole = extreme exagerration


Based on the context clues given in the sentence, define tact.

Jane could have easily offended Beth when she told Beth that her dress didn't fit well, but Jane used tact and consideration when choosing her words, so Beth understood without being hurt. 

Tact: sensitivity and thoughtfulness


True or False:

Both "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "The Open Window" have warm, welcoming settings that lead the characters into a false sense of security.



The resolution of Unwind includes all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Connor getting an unwind's arm

B. Lev talking to Pastor Dan about what's happening in the outside world.

C. All the unwinds coming together at the Admiral's ranch

D. Connor and Risa going back to run the Graveyard

A. Connor getting an unwind's arm


Which event is the initiating event of the Odyssey?

A. Exploring Polyphemus's island

B. Odysseus refusing the leave the cave

C. Stabbing Polyphemus in the eye

D. Odysseus yelling his name back

D. Odysseus yelling his name back


Give an example of an idiom.

A common saying that has nothing to do with the literal meaning of the words. 

Examples: "jump the gun," "my head is spinning," "barking up the wrong tree"


Based on the context clues given in the sentence, define defer.

Since the basketball and wrestling seasons overlap, Kyle chose to defer his hoop-dreams to next year and give wrestling a shot this year. 

Defer: to delay or postpone


True or False. 

Mr. Nuttel's anxiousness is similar to Romeo's inconsistency.


Romeo's inconsistency is his fatal flaw. Mr. Nuttel's anxiousness is just a character flaw that put him in his situation.


The author's perspective in "The Open Window" is best described as...

A. sympathetic towards Mr. Nuttel's nerves

B. sympathetic towards Vera's situation

C. supportive of Mrs. Sappleton and her grieving family

D. admiring of Vera's storytelling abilities

D. admiring of Vera's storytelling abilities


What tone is evident in this quote from "Sorry, Right Number"?

"Katie: Crying her head off. It sounded like she was

trying to say 'Please take me home' . . . I knew

that school was bumming her out . . . Why I ever

let you talk me into it . . .

(She’s rummaging frantically on her little phone desk. Catalogues go slithering to the floor around her stool.)"



The following statement has what type of figurative language?

"Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man."



Based on the context clues given in the sentence, define fastidious

When John saw his report card, he was excited to see all A's and B's, but his fastidious mother shook her head in disappointment.

Fastidious: picky  and critical


Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Romeo and Juliet and the Odyssey share the theme of "Fate determines the ultimate destination."

B. Unwind and Romeo and Juliet share the theme of "Parents owe their children respect, kindness, and openness."

C. Romeo and Juliet and "Sorry, Right Number" share the theme of "Think before you act."

D. "Lamb to the Slaughter" and Romeo and Juliet share the theme of "Passion can lead to delilght but also violence."

C. Romeo and Juliet and "Sorry, Right Number" share the theme of "Think before you act."


What inference you should make from these lines from "Lamb to the Slaughter"?

"And in the other room, Mary Maloney began to giggle."

Mary will get away with murder. 


This quote shows what kind of point of view (2 parts):

"Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton, the lady to whom he was presenting one of the letters of introduction, came into the nice division.

'Do you know many of the people round here?' asked the niece,when she judged that they had had sufficient silent communion."

3rd person omniscient


When an author uses figurative language, what's the purpose?

To convey exactly how the author or character feels about something; figurative language helps the text to be more specific. 


Based on the context clues given in the sentence, define obstreperous.

The other customers stared at the obstreperous child judging his mother.

Obstreperous: noisy and hard to control


Which two actions have similar meanings?

A. Romeo killing Paris and Odysseus killing the suitors. 

B. Odysseus shouting his name to Polyphemus and Romeo killing Tybalt.

C. Connor running away from home and Romeo running away to Mantua. 

D. Bill's dying of a heart attack and Juliet's dying of a self-inflicted stab wound

B. Odysseus shouting his name to Polyphemus and Romeo killing Tybalt.

Both actions that dramatically alters the rest of the plot.
