One of many segments of a chromosome. The basic unit of the genome.
Oxygen is the waste produce of nutrient catabolism.
This organ lies between the esophagus and the small intestine.
Monosaccharide or simple sugar; the principal blood sugar.
The large intestine produces highly acidic juices to chemically digest food.
The stomach produces HCl to primarily start the process of chemical digestion.
The superior and inferior vena cava empty into this part of the heart.
Right atrium.
This hormone is considered the feminizing hormone as it is heavily involved in the menstrual cycle and feminization of external sexual features.
Tonsil located at the base of the tongue.
Lingual tonsil
There are 5 paranasal sinuses that drain into the nasal cavities.
There are 4 (ethmoid, sphenoid, maxillary, and frontal sinuses)
Located in the mediastinum, this organ is important in immune function and is replaced by fat and connective tissue after puberty.
When the concentration of these two hormones spike, ovulation happens.
LH and FSH.
Heart valve located between the left atrium and ventricle; also known as the bicuspid valve.
Mitral valve (or left atrioventricular valve)
The renal pelvis connects the lower portion of the ureter to the bladder.
The renal pelvis connects the upper portion of the ureter to the kidney.
This is the site of CO2/O2 exchange within the respiratory system. Be specific.
Alveoli/Alveolus/Alveolar sac
In mitochondria, electrons from the citric acid cycle and oxygen are used to produce this molecule used by cells to do work.
Endocrine gland located in the abdominal cavity; contains islets that secrete glucagon, insulin and digestive juices.
One oogonium (egg stem cell) produces 3 ova after meiosis.
One oogonium produces 1 ovum and 3 polar bodies.
This organ serves as a storage site for the bile produced by the liver.
These two chemicals are called a buffer pair, and are important for the regulation of blood pH.
Carbonic acid (H2CO3) and Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)