What is the adjective in this sentence?
There is a big balloon.
What are three facts about dogs?
1. what is our who?
2. what does the girl own?
3. Is girl singular or plural?
4. Possessive noun rule?
1. girl
2. kite
3. singular
4. add 's
girl's kite
What are the names and values of the four main coins?
Quarter - 25¢
Dime - 10¢
Nickel - 5¢
Penny - 1¢
Make these words into contractions
1. It is 4. Can not
2. I am 5. We are
3. Is not 6. He will
1. it's 4. Can't
2. I'm 5. We're
3. Isn't 6. He'll
What are the three adjectives in this list?
fish big the
can't jump pink
sweet quickly fairy
NOT Adjectives: fish, can't, jump, quickly, the, fairy
What are three opinions about dogs?
Are these things that you think, feel, or believe?
The socks of the cat.
1. what is our who?
2. What does the cat own?
3. is cat singular or plural?
4. what is the possessive noun rule?
1. cat
2. socks
3. singular
4. add 's
cat's socks
What is the total?
2 quarters
1 nickel
2 pennies
1 dime
Write the antonym for each word.
Early - Late
Brave - Scared
Dull - Colorful
Mad - Happy
What is an adjective?
It is a word that describes a noun. (sounds like, feels like, smells like, looks like, tastes like, colors, size, numbers shapes).
What is a fact?
A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false.
The dogs own the ball
1. what is our who?
2. What does the dog own?
3. Is dog singular or plural
4. What is the possessive noun rule?
1. the dogs
2. ball
3. plural
4. the plural noun ends in s so add '
The dogs' toy
What is the total?
3 nickels
3 pennies
1 dime
2 quarters
Write a synonym for each word
Pretty - beautiful
Neat - tidy
Bright - colorful
Delicious - Tasty
List five adjectives that describe Michigan.
Are they right?
What is an opinion?
An opinion is what someone thinks, feels, or believes.
The boys own the hat.
1. What is our who?
2. What do the boys own?
3. Is boys singular or plural?
4. What is the possessive noun rule?
1. boys
2. hat
3. plural
4. the noun ends in s so add an apostrophe
the boys' hat
I go to the store and I buy some candy. The candy costs 18¢. I pay with $1. What is my change?
Change: 82¢
(2 pennies, 1 nickel, and 3 quarters)
Write three sentences.
Do our sentences make sense?
Write three sentences with an adjective.
Are they right?
What are the three ways to start a sentence to explain your opinion?
I think
I feel
I believe
The women own the coats.
1. What is our who?
2. What do the women own?
3. Is women singular or plural?
4. What is the possessive noun rule?
1. women
2. coats
3. plural
4. plural, but it does not end in s so add 's
the women's coats
I go to the store and I buy some chips and a soda. The chips cost 43¢ and the soda costs 13¢. I pay with $1. What is my total? What is my change?
Total: 56¢
Change: 44¢
(1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, 4 pennies)
Make a contraction. Use the contraction in a sentence.
will not
He won't be mad if you're on time.