Important Terms

What is the name of the Christian leader who called for the 1st Crusade? Be specific as possible!

Pope Urban II


Define the word "empire."

When there are many countries or territories under one government or ruler


What country is located in Southern Europe, has Rome as its capital city, and is shaped like a boot? What body of water is this country located on?

Italy is located in Southern Europe on the Mediterranean Sea.


During this era people became very religious because it gave them hope and stability during a time of change and chaos. What era is being referred to AND what religion did people in Europe begin to follow?

During the Middle Ages Europeans became very Christian


What does the word prophet mean? Who is considered the final prophet by Muslims?

Muhammad is considered to be the final prophet, or messenger of Allah/ God by Muslims.


What is the name of the Egyptian sultan who took control of Jerusalem, thus indirectly triggering a Crusade? Which Crusade did this start?

Saladin's capture of Egypt launched the 3rd Crusade


Why are the Middle Ages sometimes called the "Dark Ages?" Give at least two specific examples as to why this period is considered "dark."

Decline in learning, Germanic invasions, Black Death/ Bubonic Plague, famine/ malnutrition, etc


What city was originally the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire before becoming the capital of the Byzantine Empire and then finally was taken over by the Turks (Muslims)? Give all three names.

Byzantium/ Constantinople/ Istanbul


During this era a series of wars were fought for control of the Holy Land. What era is being referred to, what two religions fought in these wars, and what is the name of the specific city they were fighting over?

Christians and Muslims fought over control of Jerusalem in the Crusades


How was religion in the Byzantine Empire similar to that in the Roman Empire? How were religions in both empires different?

While both empires practiced Christianity, they practiced different branches of it


Give an example of a Renaissance artist (that we've learned about) that could be considered a Renaissance man and name at least one piece of artwork that they created during their lifetime.

Answers will vary: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Donatello, Boticelli, etc


What does the word Renaissance mean? Why was the time period given this name?

The word Renaissance is French and translates to "rebirth." This era was given this name because it was a return to learning and classical ideas after the Dark Ages.


What geographical feature did Italy have that made it the perfect birthplace of the Renaissance? How did this geographical feature help them?

Italy is a peninsula on the Mediterranean Sea which set it up well for overseas trade. They became very wealthy from this trade which allowed them to spend more on non-essential items for survival like art.


Fill in the blanks: The _________________ was a return to _________________ ideas and literature from ancient Greece and Rome.

Renaissance, Classical


Please provide all three names for the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (and the Byzantine Empire) in the order that they were given each name. What name does this city have today?

Byzantium/ Constantinople/ Istanbul. The city is still called Istanbul today.


Explain the significance that Johannes Gutenberg played in the spread of the Renaissance.

His printing press allowed the mass production of books which made them more easily accessible for common people. This allowed for the spread of knowledge, ideas, and learning across Europe


What is a dynasty? Define this term and give an example of a dynasty that we have learned about at any point during the school year.

A dynasty is when power is passed down from generation to generation within the same family. Examples include the Shang Dynasty (China), Zhou Dynasty (China), or Carolingian Dynasty (Franks)


What city is the birthplace of the Islamic religion? What country is it located in?

Mecca is where Muhammad was born and it is located in Saudi Arabia.


This can be seen as an era or a place that existed during the Middle Ages in Eastern Europe. Many consider it to be a continuation of the Roman Empire.

Byzantine Empire


What country is located in northeastern Africa and shares a boarder with Israel? What massive empire did this country become a part of thanks to Julius Caesar?

Egypt shares a boarder with Israel and became part of the Roman Republic/ Empire when Julius Caesar formed an alliance with Cleopatra.


What significance did Charlemagne's being crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire play in terms of power in Europe?

It joined political and religious power


What acts as the foundation of feudalism?

Rights, obligations, and relationships with the lord (landowner)


This country is the home to one of humanity's earliest known civilizations and has the Indus River running through the northern region of it.



During this historical era Muhammad founded the religion of Islam which quickly spread across the Middle East.

The Rise of Islam/ Islamic Empire


Why did the Germanic invasions of Western Rome cause the ruralization of the population?

Germanic tribes targeted cities because that's where the most people and resources were. People fled to the country side out of fear of being attacked by these tribes.
