
What is the definition of plot?

The series of events that make up a story.


What is the definition of Tone?

“The attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience conveyed through word choice and the style of the writing."


What is the definition of theme?

The main idea or underlying meaning of a story.


What are the 5 point of view types that we have talked about? 

1st person

2nd Person

3rd person

3rd person limited

3rd person Omniscient


What is conflict in literature? 

a problem that the main character or characters



The highest point of a story where everything comes to a head.



What is the difference between tone and mood?

Tone is the feeling the author creates through their writing, and mood is the way the reader feels while reading the story.


What is the difference between the topic and the theme?

Topic - general subject of the story, just a couple words.

Theme - The central idea or message of a story, usually a full sentence or statement. 


Which Point of view uses the pronouns she/her, he/him, they/them, and it?

Third person


What are the six types of conflict?

Person vs. Person

Person vs. Self

person vs. nature

Person vs. society

person vs. technology

person vs. supernatural


The events leading up to the climax, where the conflicts are introduced.

Rising Action

In a story, a change in the _________ can change the mood.



Which of the following is a thematic statement?

  1. Loneliness and sadness

  2. Love

  3. "Technology's growing dominance is shaping our lives, often at the expense of genuine human connection."

3. "Technology's growing dominance is shaping our lives, often at the expense of genuine human connection."


Which Point of view is the all knowing, where the reader sees the story from many different character's points of view?

Third person omniscient


The following is the definition of which conflict type?

The central character faces an internal struggle, within their own mind or body.

Person vs. self


A story plot requires which of the following?

1. Happy Ending

2. Conflict 

3. Comedy

4. A tragedy 

2. Conflict


What is the mood of the following passage?

"We ran to the park across the street with our new kite, eager to try it out. It was a beautiful fall morning in our little town. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there was an almost sweet and fresh smell in the air."

Happy, joy, peaceful, excitement


“Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?” by Dr. Seuss

A down-in-the-dumps young child meets an old wise man in the desert, who explains to him all the ways in which he is actually very lucky. What would be an appropriate theme statement for this story?

1.Rhymes are important for children.

2. Children should not feel down in the dumps, ever.

3. You should roam the desert to try to meet wise old men.

4. Don’t dwell on the bad things in life; instead, focus on how good your life is and how lucky you are to be living it.

4. Don’t dwell on the bad things in life; instead, focus on how good your life is and how lucky you are to be living it.


What is third person limited?

bring the reader into the mind of a character.

  • Follows a single character through the story and usually describe only events that the point of view character personally experiences.

  • Used when the narrator does not want the reader to know everything about the characters. 


The following is an example of which conflict type?

 In a totalitarian society, the protagonist named Winston fights against a government that seeks to control every aspect of citizens’ lives, including their thoughts and actions.

Person vs. society


What is the climax of the story, "Dark They Were and Golden Eyed" by Ray Bradbury?

Harry Bittering and his family turn into martians and decided to leave their settlement on Mars to live in the Martian villas. 


1. Which of the following sentences is false?

  1. It's easier to convey tone when speaking as opposed to writing
  2. Body language and facial expressions help to convey tone
  3. The words we use help to convey tone
  4. All written work should have a formal tone

4. All written work should have a formal tone


Which of the following is NOT a common theme in Sci-fi literature?

1. Space travel and alien encounters

2. Robots coming to life and leading a revolution against humanity.

3. Loneliness and love

4. A.I. tends to go haywire and turn on humanity. 

3. Loneliness and love


The following is an example of which POV? (Limited or Omniscient)

  • “His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.” - William Golding, The Lord of the Flies



Which of the following is a classic/famous example of person  vs technology? 

1. To Kill a Mockingbird

2. Frankenstein

3. The Lord of the Flies

4. Dracula 

2. Frankenstein
