Name the three layers of the IVC from inner to outer...
-Tunica Intima
-Tunica Media
-Tunica Adventitia
A length of less than _____ would be in the normal range for the liver...
15 cm
What are the 6 risk factors of gallbladder disease?
Splenomegaly will have a long measurement of greater than...
12 cm
True or False?
We can easily see a normal adrenal in adults...
False, we will only notice abnormal adrenals!
Name at least 3 destinctive characteristics of the IVC...
-Right of the midline
-Makes a J-curve
-Blood flows toward the heart
Blood flowing away from the liver...
-Store bile
-Release bile into duodenum
-Concentration of bile
What is a congenital abnormality of the spleen that is most common in multiparous women?
Wandering Spleen (Ectopic)
Name the sonographic appearance of the Adrenal Medulla...
An echogenic linear structure
The most common AAA, with a spindle-shaped dilation in which the stretching process effects the entire circumference of the artery...
Fusiform (True Aneurysm)
Name at least 3 functions of the liver...
-Synthesis of blood proteins
-Blood reservoir
-Heat production
Name the 3 normal variants of the gallbladder...
-Hartmann's Pouch
-Phrygian Cap
-Junctional Fold
The most common benign primary neoplasm of the spleen...
Most common benign adrenal mass in neonates from birth trauma...
Adrenal Hemorrhage
What type of aneurysm would result from an injury to the vessel wall?
False or Pseudoaneurysm
Infectious disease of the liver in which it will sonographically present a small liver with a hyperechoic, coarse parenchyma...
Chronic Hepatitis
The common bile duct should measure...
Less than or equal to 6 mm
Presents as a peripheral wedge-shaped hypoechoic lesion...
Splenic Infarction
Name the 3 arteries that supply each adrenal gland...
-Suprarenal branch of the inferior phrenic artery
-Suprarenal branch of the aorta
-Suprarenal branch of the renal artery
Compression of the left common iliac vein against the lumbar vertebrae by the overlying right common iliac artery...
May-Thurner Syndrome
Parasitic disease of the liver that will create a cyst within a cyst, or the "water lily sign" and is most prevalent in sheep/cattle raising countries...
Hydatid Disease
Diverticula of the gallbladder wall are known as...
Rokitansky-Aschoff Sinuses (RAS)
What are the two kinds of Splenic Hematomas?
Name the 4 Adrenal Adenoma syndromes...
-Cushing's Syndrome
-Conn's Disease
-Addison's Disease