What flower is symbolic of "love"?
Identify the tone of this passage:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
The protector and leader
father figure
It’s the hero’s present, everyday situation. Usually something is missing.
Ordinary World
Majestic old pig with a dream
Old Major
Every night before bed, John looked up at the poster of the lion on his ceiling and remembered that he has power in his life.
Identify the symbol and what it represents.
lion; pride/bravery/courage
What are the three parts of the exposition in every story?
conflict, characters, and setting
A woman who uses her power (intellect, magic, beauty) to make men weak
The Temptress
Hero enters a special world. Becomes committed to the “journey.”
Crossing the Threshold
In what three ways does Mr. Frederick prove to be an enemy of Animal Farm?
1) Uses fake money, 2) attacks the farm, 3) destroys the windmill
As Grace shuffled through the different bottles in the back of the laboratory, she found the one with a skull and crossbones label.
Identify the symbol in this sentence and what it represents.
skull and crossbones; death or poison
What do the letters in STEAL mean for characterization?
Effect on others
An inexperienced character that is exposed to the evils in the world
The innocent/good girl
Takes possession but something changes the hero
Seizing the Sword
Who talks about Sugarcandy Mountain?
What season represents death?
Identify the tone in this passage:
Why do these things always happen to me?, Brad wondered. First I forget an important meeting, and nobody reminds me until it’s over. Then my boss dumps a big project on my desk and wants it done by yesterday. And to top everything off, I leave my wallet on the bus.
Characters who are always in the wrong place at the wrong time, but who usually win something of value in the end
The Underdog
This person gives them directions (instructions). Tells the hero to trust the path.
Meeting the Mentor
What are all the commandments changed to at the end of the novel?
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
What color represents royalty?
Tone is ______________; diction is ______________.
attitude, word choice
Character brings uncertainty and tension into a story, by changing appearance mood, or behavior. Protagonist constantly wonders if they are friend or foe.
The Shapeshifter
Hero has to be set along the correct path and get excited before proceeding any further.
Reluctant Hero or Refusal of the Call
Who is the farm's poet?