What is an example of a common fear for preschool aged children?
The dark
Monsters/imaginary creatures
What are the two problem behaviors that parents can experience during middle childhood?
Antisocial behaviors: stealing, lying
True or False: Teens become enmeshed with their parent?
False- they become less enmeshed, teens are more independent.
When children are sharing, parents do blank to reinforce their behavior.
What age group can you see relational aggression?
Middle childhood, among girls
True or False. Parents should reward their child with dessert in order to get the child to eat their vegetables?
False- not good to use a bribe of eat veggies for ice cream
What are the benefits to eating dinner together as a family?
-Encourage eat foods may or may not want
- Able to eat healthy foods
- Parents can talk with their children at the end of the day
- Introduce new foods
What is an example of a generation gap?
Age of getting a car
When working with children on tasks, it is important to blank if the task is too challenging.
What is the difference manipulative temper tantrums and temperamental temper tantrums?
Manipulative: try to get something from it, parents give in
Temperamental: does not like something-fabric, texture
If parents do not want their children to acquire the typical gender role. How can the parents promote this?
Mother should help with the yard work, and the father should help with the house work
Name 2 problems that arise with social media.
- Cyberbullying
- aggression
- exposure to violence
- inappropriate content
What suggestion would you give to parents about cyberbullying for them to be proactive?
- Good relationship with child
- Open communication
- Monitor child (can be from a distance)
- Still give some autonomy and independence
- Have conversations about computer literacy when it comes to social media
If a parent is struggling with their 4 year old child's tantrums, what will the parent not learn in the incredible years parenting program?
- avoid playing to stop a tantrum
What is the generation gap?
parents trying to parent their teens the way they were parented.
For this age group, peer relationships include 3 components of play/interactions. What are they?
- Sociodramatic play
- Friendships
- Social competence
Name one health and safety concerns that parents can have for their children.
- Accidents
- Injuries
- Vision and dental care
- vaccines
Name 2 problems that parents will face with their teenager.
- auto accidents
- Drugs/substance use
- teen pregnancy
- mental health
- social media
- sexual activity and edu
- risk taking
- body dissatisfaction
- school dropout
What theory came up when doing the Incredible Years Parenting Program?
Zone of proximal development
What is prosocial development?
Development of behaviors and actions, such as learning empathy, how to help and care for others, share
What are the 3 factors for gender schema?
- Physical: genes and hormones
- Social: society and culture
- Psychosocial: gender schema - ability to label file
- This is normal for this age group.
- It is normal to be frustrated too
- Your child should grow out of this behavior.
- Your child can learn healthier ways to express themselves
What are effective forms of discipline for teens?
- Yelling
- Deny privileges/grounding
- Firm tone of voice
- Have conversations/talk it out
When it comes to playing with a child, what should a parent do while playing with a child?
- Have the play be child directed
- Descriptive commenting (describe)
- Give the child attention
What are 4 factors of development of self that we have seen through the age groups?
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Self esteem
- Self regulation