Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

What dynasty was immediately before the Song Dynasty?

The Tang Dynasty was immediately before the Song Dynasty.


What Silk Road city was known for artisans?

Kashgar was a city on the Silk Road and was known for its artisans.


What Mughal emperor built the Taj Mahal?

The emperor Sha Jahan built the Taj Mahal has a tomb for his wife.


What disease decimated the Aztec Empire?

Smallpox decimated the Aztec Empire.


What is Laissez-Faire economics?

Laissez-Faire means "Hands Off." The government does not interfere with businesses under this type of system and won't help them if they start to fail.


Who was the first emperor of the Song Dynasty?

The first emperor of the Song Dynasty was Taizu.


What group, led by Kublai Khan, overtook the Song Dynasty?

The Yuan Dynasty overtook the Song Dynasty.


What did the Jesuits oppose the spread of?

The Jesuits opposed the spread of the Protestant Church.


Define Mercantilism.

Mercantilism is the idea that a country uses up all resources and land available to boost its economy through exports because resources are limited.


How did Montisquieu propose the government be organized?

Montisquieu wanted to separate the government so power wasn't concentrated. Each of these separate "branches" would keep each other in check.


What form of Buddhism centered around "spiritual growth for all beings and on service"?

This form of Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism.


What script did Ghengis Khan adopt for the Mongol people?

Ghengis Khan adopted Uyghur script.


What does the term "Shah" mean?

"Shah" means king or emperor.


What does primogeniture laws mean?

Primogeniture laws mean that the firstborn male inherits the property and belongings.


What is the "Social Contract"?

The Social Contract is the idea that it is the government's job to make laws and it is your job to follow them.


What is the main form of Mayan government?

The main form of Mayan government is a City-State system where cities were very independent and governed themselves.


What kingdom is remembered for replacing the Kingdom of Mali?

The Songhai Empire replaced the Kingdom of Mali.


What Safavid leader was more tolerant of Christians? 

Shah Abbas I was the most tolerant of Christians.


What form of slavery consists of slaves having no rights and are treated like property?

Chattel slavery involves slave having no rights.


Who mainly inspired the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke's ideas of natural rights mainly inspired the Declaration of Independence.


What impact did the Civil Service Exam have on the culture of Song Dynasty China?

The exam allowed government officials to be chosen by merit rather than birth. It also cut down on cost because they were not obligated to employ the children of officials or other people of high birth. Family members who worked in the government brought honor to their household.


How did the invention of paper have the potential to drastically change the Silk Road?

Paper money allowed for easier trade because people did not have to bring loads of coins or items to barter in bulk. Paper also allowed merchants to keep track of records of trade and other things.


How did Zamindars legitimize rule within the Ottoman Empire?

The Zamindars collected taxes and managed their regions. They could localize the empire's power and enforce the law.


How did joint stock companies inspire greater confidence in maritime exploration?

Joint stock companies reduced risk. People could put less money in and they would only lose as much as they put in.


What is the Cult of Domesticity? Why did Mary Wollstonecraft disagree with this idea?

The Cult of Domesticity is the idea that women don't have the ability to do anything other than women things like cooking and cleaning and taking care of children. Mary Wollstonecraft disagreed with this because she advocated for women's rights and wanted them to be able to do the same things as men.
