Operant Conditioning
3rd Wave- Behavior
More Behavior
CBT Acronyms
Cognitive Distortions
It follows a behavior, and is influential to future behavior
What is a consequence?
A blend of behavioral and psychoanalytic techniques aimed at treating borderline personality disorders; primarily developed by Marsha Linehan.
What is DBT?
This model of behavior posits that behavior (B) is influenced by some particular events that precede it, called antecedents (A), and by certain events that follow it called consequences (C).
What is the A-B-C model?
A theory based on the assumption that cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact significantly and have a reciprocal cause-and-effect relationship.
What is REBT?
A cognitive error that involves categorizing experiences in either-or extremes.
What is dichotomous thinking, or black-and-white thinking?
A consequence that results in a decrease in the future probability of a behavior.
What is punishment?
An exposure-based therapy that involves imaginal flooding, cognitive restructuring, and the use of rhythmic eye movements and other bilateral stimulation to treat traumatic stress disorders and fearful memories of clients.
What is EMDR?
Another term for behavior modification; this approach seeks to understand the causes of behavior and address these causes by changing antecedents and consequences.
What is applied behavior analysis?
An approach and set of procedures that attempts to change feelings and behavior by modifying faulty thinking and believing.
What is CT?
A form of cognitive distortion that refers to making conclusions without supporting and relevant evidence.
What are arbitrary inferences?
A specified event that strengthens the tendency for a response to be repeated.
What is reinforcement?
A process that involves becoming increasingly observant and aware of external and internal stimuli in the present moment and adopting an open attitude toward accepting what is, rather than judging the current situation.
What is mindfulness?
Also known as Pavlovian conditioning and respondent conditioning. A form of learning in which a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that naturally elicits a particular response. The result is that eventually the neutral stimulus alone elicits the response.
What is Classical Conditioning?
A therapeutic approach that emphasizes clients’ strengths, resilience, and resources for positive change.
What is SB-CBT?
A process of holding extreme beliefs on the basis of a single incident and applying them inappropriately to dissimilar events or settings.
What is overgeneralization?
The form of punishment in which an aversive stimulus is added after the behavior to decrease the frequency of a behavior.
What is positive punishment?
This program applies mindfulness techniques to coping with stress and promoting physical and psychological health.
What is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction?
Treatment for fears and other negative emotional responses by carefully exposing clients to situations or events contributing to such problems.
What is exposure therapies?
A form of cognitive behavior modification developed by Donald Meichenbaum that is a combination of information giving, Socratic discussion, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, relaxation training, behavioral rehearsals, self-monitoring, self-instruction, self-reinforcement, and modifying environmental situations.
What is SIT?
A tendency for people to relate external events to themselves, even when there is no basis for making this connection.
What is personalization?
The termination or withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus as a result of performing some desired behavior.
What is negative reinforcement?
A mindfulness-based program that encourages clients to accept, rather than attempt to control or change, unpleasant sensations.
What is Acceptance and commitment therapy?
A procedure based on the principles of classical conditioning in which the client is taught to relax while imagining a graded series of progressively anxiety-arousing situations. Eventually, the client reaches a point at which the anxiety-producing stimulus no longer brings about the anxious response.
What is systematic desensitization?
Michenbaum's therapeutic approach that focuses on changing the client’s selfverbalizations.
What is CBM?
Perceiving a case or a situation in a greater or lesser light than it truly deserves.
What is magnification and minimization?