Text Structure
Credible Sources/Sentence Types
Persuasive Appeals
Fun Trivia

For her vlog project, Regina decided to do a "No Makeup" makeup tutorial to help teens achieve a luminous natural look in 5 easy steps. Which text structure would be most appropriate for her topic?

A. compare and contrast

B. chronological/sequential

C. problem-solution 

B. chronological/sequential


Identify the type of sentence: "After eating lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, Tim went to the gym to exercise."

A. simple

B. compound

C. complex

C. complex


Identify the type of persuasion used: 

"We really should try that recipe. Someone told me that it was good."

A. ethos

B. pathos

C. logos 

C. logos


Select the best definition of "tone".

A. Tone is an author's reason for writing. 

B. Tone is the author’s attitude toward the topic. 

C. Tone is the overall feeling of a piece of writing. 

B. Tone is the author’s attitude toward the topic.


What is the largest country in the world based on the land area? 

A. Canada

B. China

C. Russia

C. Russia


For his next blog post, Jose will do a review of a newly released anime. He plans to include a synopsis, detailed description of the characters, and his verdict. Which text structure would be most appropriate for his topic?

A. description

B. compare and contrast

C. problem-solution

A. description


Which of the following is the most credible source?

A. Time magazine

B. A website containing .gov in the URL

C. a scientific journal dated 10/21/1999

B. A website containing .gov in the URL


Identify the type of persuasion used: 

"The research – conducted by professors at Harvard University – suggests that you should learn a second language."

A. ethos

B. pathos

C. logos 

A. ethos


Determine the tone: 

"If only there were some decent jobs out there, I wouldn’t be reduced to living in this miserable dump."

A. skeptical

B. bitter

C. serious 

B. bitter


What do you call a group of giraffes?

A. a herd

B. a band

C. a tower

a tower


Identify the text structure:

Looking around our society nowadays, it's hard to imagine a time when we weren't surrounded by computers, but it really wasn't that long ago. In 1977 a mere 48 thousand personal computers were sold. Fast forward to 2001 and over 125 million were sold. By 2002 over one billion personal computers had been sold worldwide.



Imagine you’re doing a report on space explorations, which of the following sources is the most reliable?

A. A personal blog by an experienced astronaut

B. Facebook page for space enthusiasts

C. An article written by an astrophysicist in 1996 

D. A scientific journal on space explorations from nasa.gov

D. A scientific journal on space explorations from nasa.gov


Identify the type of persuasion used: 

"Dentists all over the world are telling their patients the same things. You must floss regularly."

A. ethos

B. pathos

C. logos 

A. ethos


Determine the tone:

"When are you going to take the garbage out? Sometime this year, maybe?"

A. threatening

B. irritated

C. sarcastic 

C. sarcastic


Are worker bees male or female?



Identify the text structure:

Cats may seem like cute and cuddly companions, but to birds and other small mammals, cats are highly lethal killing machines. Even well fed cats may hunt and kill many small animals such as birds, mice, and reptiles. Small animals are most at risk when cats are introduced to areas that have not hosted them before.



If you were doing a report on Barack Obama, which of these sources would be the most reliable?

A. A short bio posted on whitehouse.gov

B.  A Star Magazine article

C.  A blog by Obama’s campaign manager

A. A short bio posted on whitehouse.gov


Identify the type of persuasion used: 

"If you don’t go on this holiday you will regret it. You don’t want to live with regrets, do you?"

A. ethos

B. pathos

C. logos 

B. pathos


Determine the tone:

"A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened virus that is injected under the skin and causes the blood to produce antibodies against the disease."

A. informative

B. boastful

C. critical

A. informative


What was the first animal to make an orbital spaceflight around the Earth?

a dog


Identify the text structure:

Have you ever received an email from a strange address with nothing but a mysterious link in the body? Don’t click that link! If you click the link, your computer browser will connect to a website created to attack computers.

cause and effect


Identify the sentence type:

"Professor Maple’s intelligent students completed and turned in their homework. "

A. simple

B. compound

C. complex

A. simple


Identify the type of persuasion used: 

"Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. So why start smoking?"

A. ethos

B. pathos

C. logos 

C. logos


Which of the following sentences uses the LEAST formal tone?

A. The girl whom I met in Singapore was interested in working in New Zealand. 

B. This experiment worked out just fine.

C. The balloon was inflated for the experiment. 

B. This experiment worked out just fine.


What sweet snack is typically left out for Santa?

