Do You Know The Definition
Multiple Choice - Definition
Which Is The Correct Example?
Fill In The Blank
True Or False
When someone says one thing and means another is...
What is "Verbal Irony"
When something happens that is different than what you expected would happen is... A. Verbal Irony B. Situational Irony C. Dramatic Irony D. Conflict
What is "B. Situational Irony"
Which is the correct example of a Metaphor? A. Time is a thief B. He is as happy as a hippo C. They act like fools D. She is as crazy as a hyena
What is "A. Time is a thief"
_____ is the use of visually descriptive and figurative language to create a clear visual image
What is "Imagery"
A group of words that are adjacent or close in proximity that all begin with the same letter or sound is known as prose poetry
What is "False; Alliteration is the correct answer"
Any work that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly is...
What is "Satire"
Attitude a writer takes towards the reader, a subject, or a character is... A. Mood B. Tone C. Paradox D. Simile
What is "B. Tone"
Which of the following is the correct example of a first person narrative? A. He went for a walk B. You sat down by the park C. I took a nap D. We went to DQ after dinner
What is "C. I took a nap"
______ is a story, poem, or picture that contains a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
What is "Allegory"
The main character in a work of fiction, drama or narrative poetry is known as the antagonist.
What is "False. Protagonist is the correct answer"
The overall feeling or atmosphere of a work of literature is...
What is "Mood"
When the reader knows something the characters don't know is... A. Revelation B. Verbal Irony C. Situational Irony D. Dramatic Irony
What is "D. Dramatic Irony"
When someone says, "the plot thickens" what do they mean? A. They made a stew B. The story gets exciting C. The book is over 300 pages D. Add yeast to bread recipe
What is "B. The story gets exciting"
______ is a lesson embedded within a writing or piece of literature that contains principles of right and wrong behavior.
What is "Moral"
Words, phrases, or sentence structures recur, creating patterns that underscore ideas is known as parallelism.
What is "True"
Figure of speech that uses exaggeration or overstatement for emphasis or comic effect is...
What is "Hyperbole"
Use of clues to hint at what is going to happen later in a plot is... A. Rising Action B. Tone C. Foreshadowing D. Simile
What is "C. Foreshadowing"
Give an example of an antagonist; the character or force that struggles against or blocks the protagonist, from a story we've read this year.
What is "Answer may vary"
_____ is a recurring story patterns or features in a work of literature.
What is "Motif"
The subject or defining topic of a work of literature or story is known as the setting
What is "False. The correct answer is theme."
An apparent contradiction that is actually true is...
What is "Paradox"
Deeper meaning stated within a word or phrase is... A. Symbolism B. Omniscient C. Hyperbole D. Personification
What is "A. Symbolism"
Give an example of setting or the place and time at which a story takes place, from a story we've read this year.
What is "Answers may vary"
_____ is a revelation or understanding of something through an experience completed by the receiver.
What is "Epiphany"
A Scene that interrupts the present action of a plot to narrate the events of an earlier time is known as a scansion.
What is "False. Flashback is the correct answer"