Active Learning
Context Clues
Strategic Reading
Main Idea
Patterns of Organization
Things that take your attention away from your work.
What are external distractions.
What does the word erythrocytes mean in the following sentence? When oxygen diffuses into the blood in external respirations, most of it enters the red blood cells, or erythrocytes. a. diffused oxygen b. red blood cells c. the respiration process
What are red blood cells.
A strategy you use during the previewing stage of reading.
What is predict, question, activate background knowledge, or set a purpose.
The topic of the following words: french fried, au gratin, scalloped.
What are potatoes.
Name one organization pattern.
What is simple listing, definition, description, time order, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, classification, addition, summary, location, generalization/example.
Concerns that pop into your mind when you are trying to focus.
What are internal distractions.
What is the meaning of nonconfrontational in the following sentence? Some passive belief systems call for nonconfrontational behavior; yet others call for rebellion. a. violent b. rebellious c. not openly rebellious d. sympathetic
What is not openly rebellious.
A strategy you use to integrate knowledge during reading.
What is predict, picture, relate, monitor, correct, annotate.
The topic of the following words: snow, rain, sleet.
What is precipitation.
What is the pattern of organization for the following paragraph? Queens ruled England in the second half of the sixteenth century. In 1553, Mary I took the throne. She was followed in 1558 by Elizabeth I, who ruled for the next 45 years. a. summary b. contrast c. classification d. time order
What is time order.
An example of an external distraction.
What is tv, people, phone, etc.
What does the word dyad mean in the following sentence? He began with an analysis of what happens when a dyad, a two-member group, becomes a triad, a three-member group.
What is a two-member group.
A strategy you use after reading or during recall.
What is review, connect, react, reflect, evaluate.
Which of these three sentences is the main idea? Dentists are trying virtual reality headsets for their patients to help reduce anxiety about dental care. Gradual exposure to takeoff and landing in a virtual environment allows would-be travelers to face their phobias and prepare to take the next step, a real flight. Overcoming fear is a fast-growing application of virtual reality.
What is overcoming fear is a fast-growing application of virtual reality.
What is the pattern of organization for the following paragraph? In short, the Internet can be a source of dangerous misinformation. Anyone can develop a web site and fill it with distortions of the truth and inflammatory accusations. a. classification b. summary c. definition d. time order
What is summary.
An example of an internal distraction.
What is thinking about bills, dinner, class, etc.
What does the word expropriated mean in the following sentence? Under a decree, the government expropriated several hundred thousand acres from large landholders and redistributed this land among the peasants.
What is took from its owners.
The definition of predict.
What is to guess what is happening next or what the text will be about.
Which sentence is the main idea? At present, the meaning of correlations between brain size and intelligence is not clear. For example, females have about the same average intelligence as males, but generally have smaller brains. The Neanderthals had larger brains than we do, but there is no evidence that they were smarter.
What is at present, the meaning of correlations between brain size and intelligence is not clear.
What is the pattern of organization for the following paragraph? In case of a sprained ankle, you should first apply ice to constrict the blood vessels and stop internal bleeding. Next, elevate your foot above the level of your heart to further control bleeding by making the blood flow away from the injured area.
What is sequence.
Two examples of successful academic behaviors.
What are attend class, be on time, recognize essential class sessions, preview textbook, read assignments and notes, record lecture, predict exam questions, pass the first test, network and form study groups, collaborate.
What does the word stimulus mean in the following sentence? While we are sleeping, for example, we are hardly aware of what is happening around us, but we are aware to some degree. Any loud noise or other abrupt stimulus will almost certainly awaken us.
What is something that incites action.
Another word for picturing events in your mind.
What is visualizing.
What is the unstated main idea of the following sentences? A landmark 1990 study found that 30 percent of Americans under 35 had read a newspaper the day before - a much lower percentage than their parents. Attempts to win a younger audience have included USA Today's color and glitz, originally aimed at younger readers. By 2000, daily newspaper circulation was down to 52.8 million from a 62.8 million high in 1988.
What is newspapers are not winning over the younger crowd and circulation is down.
What is the pattern of organization for the following paragraph? Although both artists lived in Spain, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali had styles that differed dramatically. Picasso depicted his subjects in abstract terms, whereas Dali painted the stark reality of the image.
What is contrast.