Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A motivation to bond with others in relationships that provide ongoing, positive interactions is the definition of
the need to belong.
You were walking down the street with your friend Sabrina when she stopped to ask a child why he was crying. The boy said that he was lost, so Sabrina took time out of her busy day to help the child find his way home. Sabrina’s behavior can be characterized by
Conflict is defined as
perceived incompatibility of actions or goals.
The study, assessment, and treatment of people with psychological difficulties is known as
clinical psychology.
A prosecuting attorney is uncertain whether her eyewitness will seem credible to the jury. The eyewitness’s testimony could help win a conviction, but the witness might be discredited by the defense attorney. What advice should the prosecutor accept?
Put the eyewitness on the stand, since even a discredited eyewitness is more convincing than no eyewitness at all.
Paula has just arrived as a new student on campus and does not know anyone. All else being equal, is she most likely to become friends with Joni who lives next door, with Kristy who lives two doors down, with Beth who lives three doors down, or with Heidi who lives in the room directly above hers?
According to the social-exchange theory, the rewards that motivate helping are
internal or external.
In the Prisoner’s Dilemma, if both prisoners confess, each will get a _______; if neither confesses, each will _______.
moderate sentence; get a light sentence
Some physicians have/use _____ that help them take credit when things go well but not take blame for failure.
self-serving bias
Of the following eyewitnesses to a crime, who would probably appear most believable to a jury?
Randy, a radio announcer who appears very confident about what he saw
A stranger rides the same bus you do to school every day. According to the mere exposure effect, as the days pass you will come to view the stranger
more favorably.
Mr. Lemming’s neighbors mowed his lawn, but he was too sick and weak to reciprocate. We can predict that Mr. Lemming may feel
demeaned because he cannot reciprocate.
The smaller the group, the more
responsible each person feels for it.
Who is more likely to exhibit a negative explanatory style?
a depressed person
In the process known as the misinformation effect, individuals
receive wrong information about an event and then incorporate that information into their memory of the event.
Who is likely to receive the most responses to his personal ad?
Bill, who emphasizes his income
University students were more willing to make a charity pledge when
it was for someone who had bought them candy.
As Sherif noted, despite the fact that the competitive behavior of the boys in the warring camps seemed “wicked, disturbed, and vicious,” what actually triggered their evil behavior was
an evil situation.
Loneliness is best described as a state created by the awareness that you
have fewer numerous or meaningful social relationships than you desire.
In order to promote accurate recall, the “cognitive interview” procedure for questioning eyewitnesses begins with
guiding eyewitnesses to visualize the scene.
Jen is more in love with Stan today than the day she married him. According to research on the relationship between love and perceived attractiveness,
Jen probably finds Stan to be more attractive today than the day she married him.
Social-exchange is a _______ theory, while social norms is a _______ theory.
psychological; sociological
A goal that overrides people’s differences from one another is called a(n)
superordinate goal.
Psychology’s contribution to the interdisciplinary field of behavioral medicine is
health psychology.
Someone accused of a crime is judged more sympathetically
if he or she appears similar to the one who judges.