Vocabulary Context Clues
What is the Main Idea?
Supporting Details!
Transitions - Who Needs Them?
Inference! Please!
Give the synonym for reveal in the following sentence. I swore not to reveal Anita's secret, but then I did divulge it to my brother.
What is divulge
Tell which of the following sentences would be the main idea. A. While traveling in different countries, there are some things to do and some things to avoid doing. B. In Tibet, you should greet people by sticking out your tongue, the same way as the natives do.
What is sentence A?
When you prepare an outline you should include both major and minor what?
What are details?
Which pattern of organization would one, first, in addition and furthermore be associated with?
What is list of items pattern?
A stated comparison, introduced with like or as.
What is a simile?
Give the synonym for irritating in the following sentence. My boss has an abrasive personality. It's so irritating that he has trouble keeping friends.
What is abrasive?
Which of the following sentences would be a main idea? A. Divorced women were regarded as high risks by insurance companies, and they had trouble getting credit cards. B. In the early 1970's women still had a long way to go in terms of gaining equal rights.
What is sentence B
Several kids of a number of various causes are examples of what kind of words?
What are list words?
Which pattern of organization would the following transitions be associated with? before previously immediately next
What is the time order pattern of organization?
An implied comparison.
What is a metaphor?
What is the antonym for plentiful in the following sentence? My piano teacher's criticism was always profuse, but her praise was scarce.
What is scarce?
What is the main idea in the following: A. "Red flags" in childhood for future criminal behavior. B. Certain behaviors are considered especially serious signs that a child may later engage in violent criminal acts. C. Cruelty to animals, such as beating or torturing pets, is often a sign of serious psychological problems in children.
What is sentence B?
one first (of all) to begin with for one thing are examples of what kind of words?
What addition words?
What pattern of organization would the following transitions be associated with? for example for instance such as including
What is the illustration pattern of organization?
You should look at this first when you are making an inference about a graph or table.
What is the title?
Give the antonym for useless in the following sentence. My sister thinks it's futile to try to talk my parents into exercising, but I feel it could be useful to show them statistics that tell how beneficial exercise is.
What is futile?
What is the main idea in the following: A. The difference in the sensitivity to flavors between children and adults lies in the taste buds, the tiny taste receptors that line the tongue. B. Adults seek out spicy or bitter foods to stimulate their smaller supply of taste buds. C. Young children's tongues are loaded with taste buds and are especially sensitive;therefore, sour or spicy flavors seem to intense to them.
What is sentence A?
Students sometimes find it helpful to use this item rather than outlines. This item shows visually a major detail connected to the main idea.
What is a map?
What pattern of organization would the following transitions be associated with? however although on the contrary in spite of
What is the contrast pattern of organization?
To draw sound inferences we must use which of the following: A. all the information provided by the writer B. our own experience C. Logic D. all of the above
What is D?
What is the general sense definition for embellished in the following sentence? Emily's signature, embellished with loops and swirls, was easy to recognize. hidden, decorated, made plain
What is decorated?
Which of the following sentences would be the main idea? A. Physical signs of wealth. B. In different societies and stages of history, different physical attributes have indicated a person's status.
What is sentence B?
This item is the reduction of a large amount of information to its most important points. This includes a main idea and its major supporting details.
What is a summary?
What pattern of organization would the following transitions be associated with? therefore so because of accordingly
What is the cause and effect pattern of organization?
This is another way of understanding making inferences. "Reading Between the _________"
What are lines?