The quote Fatebreaker says when dashing to his tether target.
The Mudra combination required to use Huton
Hades - Bad Faith
What is get on the side of the walls without spikes pointing at you.
The first dungeon boss you ever fight
What is Chopper (Will accept Courel)
Scholar is getting this in Endwalker
What is a party movement speed buff
This is the only fight in the Omega Raid Series where the boss can be targeted at all times.
What is O1
The extra proc effect of Scathe.
Construct 7 - Dispose
What is Run around the boss
This dungeon has four bosses encounters instead of three.
What is Tam-Tara Deepcroft
The infamous mechanics of O12s and E8s.
What are Hello World and Light Rampant
The only Primal combo that Eden's Promise will never perform using the main four.
What are Ifrit and Garuda
This attack loses 22 meters of range if used without enough resources.
Kefka - Ave Maria
What is look at the statue
All three encounters in this dungeon are against Primals.
Who is Valens Van Varro
In the Omega raid, there are several fights with duty actions. This fight's, however, is only useable in Normal, not Savage.
What is O11 (Omega)
Ninja takes less damage of this type than any other job.
Guardian - Load Air Force
What is get away from the boss
This post ARR Leveling Dungeon is the only one since 2.0 to be optional, and not required for story progression.
Sam backflipped off the arena in this fight, and walked off randomly in this one.
What are O5s and E9s
The names of the five Robots making up Brute Justice.
Who are Onslaughter, Brawler, Vortexer, Blaster, and Swindler
The amount of shield given by Titan Egi.
What is 30% Max HP
Omega - Larboard Wave Cannon x2
What is get on the right side of Omega, then move into the previous hitbox
This dungeon is unique in that it has the only encounter where it is possible to fall of the arena and die, in this fight.
What is Therion in Amaurot
Thud Meatback screamed in horror before being silenced by this attack
What is Shadow's Edge