Number of chambers in the heart
What is 4 chambers of the heart
Define what a calorie measures in one word
What is energy
Define what the word addiction means
What is can't hold yourself back from doing drugs or a person feels an uncontrolled desire for the drug
What is a table sugar alternative that is easier for our body to break down? Mr. Reynolds came to teach about it!
What is Honey!
Riddle: You want to eat? Take a seat! After 4th period go the ________!
What is the Cafeteria or lunchroom
Scientific name for your hip bones
What is the Pelvis
What does protein do for the body?
What is it is a build block or builds new cells
The fastest acting drug
What is nicotine
Name the 3 gateway drugs
What is marijuana, alcohol, tobacco
Riddle: I’m a quiet place where stories unfold. You’ll find me filled with treasures untold. What place am I?
Type of muscle is our digestive tract is made out of
What is smooth muscle.
Name of the mineral that makes our bones and teeth stronger
What is calcium
The pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction
What is dopamine
Special Bonus: Points for each group that can name one healthy thing you can do to deal with stress or anxiety!
What is talk to a friend, listen to music, play with your pets, take a walk, meditate, play your favorite video game, read a book, lay in the grass, take deep breaths.
Riddle: When you leave this classroom you enter this space, it is here that you travel from place to place. While walking or standing there are rules for all, such as "No horsing around in the _________!"
What is the Hall or Hallway
Name of the blood vessels that send blood AWAY from the heart
What are the Arteries
Special Bonus: Each group gets points if they can name 3 different carbohydrates!
what is any Fruits, Veggies or Grains
The effects of a stimulant on the brain
What is makes the brain work really fast
Double points if you can name a stimulant drug
Name a drug that is considered a depressant
What is alcohol, heroin, painkillers, marijuana
Riddle: I have hands but but not legs. I move slowly but never stop. I am a ______?
I am a clock!
Name of the female organ that holds a baby
What is the Uterus!
The 2 organs in the body that deal with extra sugar and toxins.
What is liver and pancreas
What is the most abused substance by middle and high school students
What is Marijuana
About how many times do you blink in a year?
What is over ten million times!
Riddle: Mrs. Reynolds growing something special, it’s true, it’s not a plant, pet, or something she drew.
It’s tiny and hidden but will one day arrive,
And when it does, it will completely thrive.
What could it be that’s making her glow?
Think really hard—now lets see if you know!"
Surprise: Mrs. Reynolds is 14 weeks pregnant!!!