This counselor has a tetris addiction
This command allows you to navigate through the linux file system
Change directory (cd)
LAN stands for this
Local Area Network
A firewall can be both _______ and ________ or a combination of the two
Software and Hardware
This counselor has two dogs
The drive mode icon allows you to freely control Zumi, this mode allowed us to run the Jupyter lessons
Learn mode
This command allows you to list the files in a directory
List (ls)
TCP stands for
Transmission Control Protocol
This counselor majored in music
This major component of Zumi is also a delicious dessert
Raspberry Pi
This file with user account information shows you the password hashes
This service runs on TCP port 80
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
These pfSense parameters control the flow of traffic
Accept, Drop, and Reject
This counselor likes to learn about different cultures and engage in activities from them
When launching the Jupyter notebook and preparing to code Zumi, you must do this first before you begin
Import libraries
"chmod 755"
Explain this octal file permission set
Owner has all the permissions, group and everyone else only have read and execute permissions
When using the ping command, these kinds of packets appear in Wireshark
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
List all six of the GenCyber concepts
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Think like an adversary, Defense in Depth, and Keep it Simple
This counselor transferred into ODU from Thomas Nelson Community College
This professor is the Zumi master, he demonstrated Zumi for everyone twice
Dr. Jiang
This firewall utility uses policy chains to allow or block traffic
EAPOL stands for this
Extensible Authentication Protocol (over LAN)
(Four Way Handshake)
What command do you use to change the intro image in Metasploit