What is another term for Sugar often described on Ingredient Labels? (Name ONE)
High Fructose Corn Syrup - Most Common
Sucralose, Glucose, Stevia
What was the McGovern Report and what did it say? (Hint- has to do with death)
That obesity and obesity related disease would become the leading causes of death in the United States if no action was taken.
Sugar is as addicting, if not more, then which illegal drug?
Fast Food is marketed to be the "cheaper" "better value option" and is much less in price comapred to more healthier foods. But what is the real COST of eating fast food?
The impact on our health.
How is diet soda more harmful than regular "mainstream soda" (HINT-think about the digestive system)
Diet soda has artificial sugars which your pancreas cannot process. It also has dangerous chemicals which make it more dangerous than regular soda.
Why did the Exercise Epidemic of the 1980's fail to reduce most American's weight?
How do fast food companies target their products to children? (Name ONE method)
ANY of these are correct:
1. Ads on TV/Social Media
2. Incorporating Characters from Movies/TV
3. Sponsorship Deals with Celebirties
4. Putting the food in School Lunches
What did Pres. Raegan do that changed the way school lunches were made forever?
He cut funding for school lunch budgets, and as a result, equipment like stoves and ovens were phased out, and lunches had to be prepacked
How can we keep our cultural cuisines alive, while still being healthy?
Making swaps to ingredients, changing the preparation method (baking instead of frying), smaller portions.
He said, he didn't realize the problem would get so out of hand.
Why did the mother of the boy from Texas say that she sometimes has trouble buying healthy food from her son? What was the reason why she could not always buy him healthy food?
It was too expensive.
How did the Fast-Food Industry exploit First Lady Michelle Obama's plan when it came to calories?
They only removed about 15-40 calories per person, which doesn't help much. They also created sugar free, zero, low and no calorie options, which actually are more harmful.
Explain the "Lets-Move" campaign created by First Lady Michelle Obama?
It was a program that encouraged children to excercise for 60 minutes a day. Failed however, since no changes to diet were made.
They fund millions of dollars in false research, and pay certain scientists to lie and say that there is no connection. They also create diet, and low calorie options to make it seem like they are helping the problem.
How has the "big food" industry use connections in Government to escape regulation?
They paid off senators, and congressmen, as well as organized meetings with President Bush to change USDA diet guidelines, to favor 25% sugar daily.
What does S.A.Y.A stand for?
South Asian Youth Action!
Explain why daily values of sugar are not listed on Nutrition Fact Labels?
Following the release of the McGovern report, food comapnies paid to have guidelines changed and percentages removed.
How does McDonalds justify its marketing ads to children (specifically Ronald McDonald)
Either (or both answers) are correct:
1. Ronald McDonald inspires children to be happy and does not encourage unhealthy eating habits.
2. Ronald McDonald charity actually helps millions of children each year.
Why is their higher rates of Obesity in the Southern United States as compared to the North (Hint- think back to the interviews)
* Southern Cuisine Options (Fried Foods, Meat, Dairy)
* Lack of Walkable Cities
* Southern Culture
What is the most famous menu item in Bikini Bottom?
The Crabby Patty
What are some problems with prescribing diet and exercise as the only solutions for weight loss?
There are other factors involved:
1. Cost of Healthy Food
2. Cultural Cuisines
3. Genetics
How has school lunches changed following the U.S.D.A’s subsidies? How did President Reagan, contracts, and fast food play a role in this shift? Explain.
School lunches began being prepared off site and pre-packaged, fast food comapnies began making contracts with school districts, and healthy options were few and scarce.
How does society "blame and shame" overweight individuals?
* Blame them by calling them names
* Blame them through bullying
but instead don't focus on diet and what that person eat's and doesn't eat (culture,genetics, etc.)
Explain the Government Subsides when it comes to dairy, specifically cheese.
The govt. funded the dairy industry and as a result lefover skim from milk was created into cheese and marketed to consumers.
Think about the Anti-Smoking Movement. Why can we as a society not take initative against unhealthy food the way we did with the Anti-Smoking Movement in the late 80's-90s? Or the Anti-Drugs Movement
* Money funded to congress
* Companies would escape regulations
* More blaming of consumers not companies
* Answers may vary