Derelict Future
First Person
Living Dead
Roll Initiative

He is the author of the young adult novel series, Maze Runner, and its many sequels.

Who is James Dashner?


The first ever first-person shooter video game, released in 1922, made distinct by its constricting corridors filled with enemies.

What is Wolfenstein 3D?


The term "Zombie" originated from the folklore of this country.

What is Haiti?


This mechanic was reduced to a status effect when the format switched to 5th Edition. It's former effect triggered when one party of creature catches the other unaware, rendering them unable to react.

What is the Surprise Round?


"Heroes never die!"

Who is Mercy?


An affliction that results from the overuse of cybernetics within the Cyberpunk 2077 universe. This affliction is treatable in rare cases but is usually met with lethal force as a means of controlling it.

What is cyberpsychosis?


Though not the first FPS game, this one was considered more marketable to the general audience, featuring a silent protagonist fighting their way through hordes of demons.

What is DOOM?


The first rule of survival in an infected world, according to Columbus, from the movie Zombieland.

What is Cardio?

First introduced in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, this sub-type of a popular creature in D&D is characterized by crystalline scales and massive size.

What are Gem Dragons?


"Barrage, incoming!"

Who is Viktor?


A dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury that served as commentary on censorship and book burning.

What is Fahrenheit 451?


Though its parent games, Half-Life and Half-Life 2, provided the FPS genre with a much needed addition of narrative elements, this mod took on a life of its own. At present, it is considered to be the progenitor of much of the genre's defining qualities.

What is Counter-Strike?


Negan, a character from The Walking Dead series, wields this barbed wire wrapped bat to intimidate and execute all that stand in his way.

What is Lucille?


An extraordinarily powerful mage and archfey that regularly crosses between planes on her two-legged, wandering hut. Her mortar and pestle, both artifacts of immense power, enable her to fly and chase after any unfortunate adventurer that crosses her.

Who is Baba Yaga?


"World divided!"

Who is Astra?


An ecological dystopian film from 1973 that featured its titular substance as substitute to affordable food in a world ravaged by overpopulation and famine.

What is Soylent Green?


The first example of a hero shooter, a sub-genre of FPS that focuses on class based combat and asymmetrical gameplay. This game was released by valve in 2007 and remains, to this day, as one of the most beloved games of the genre.

What is Team Fortress 2?

This type of special infected was cut from the release of Left 4 Dead 2 because its special ability was difficult to counter. Its role as a horde summoner was ultimately given to the Boomer.

What is the Screamer?


An 8th level spell from the transmutation school that allows its target to bypass the effects of Zone of Truth and other such truth-telling effects.

What is Glibness?


"You're powered up, get in there!"

Who is Anna?


The fictional megalopolis wherein a majority of 2000 AD's Judge Dredd and his story are set. This city featured impossible massive housing projects, one of which, Peach Trees, was the setting of the 2012 adaptation of the property.

What is Mega-City One?


This game, made iconic through memes about its demanding hardware requirements to play, bench marked the open-world level design that would be used by more and more games of the genre moving forward.

What is Crysis?


This game was originally slated to be called "Biohazard" by Capcom, but was later changed to its current name due to licensing difficulties with the US.

What is Resident Evil?


Apart from The Avatar of Death spawned by the Deck of Many Things, this is the only other creature from official D&D content that has an autohit attack.

What is the Marut?
"You're out of time."

Who is Atlas?
