In Mandalorian, what is "Baby Yoda's" real name?
What is Ginny Weasley's position in Quidditch?
Which district was Katniss from?
District 12
Who directed the film Avatar?
James Cameron
What is Pippin's last name?
Who had the highest midi-chlorian count in Star Wars?
What was the name of Harry's owl?
Which districts volunteered as tributes each time for the games?
Districts 1 and 2
What was the name of the "blue" people?
How old was Frodo when he left the Shire to destroy the Ring?
50 (on his 50th Birthday)
What type of crystals are used to make lightsabres?
Khyber Crystals
Bulgaria and Ireland
What was the name of Katniss's sister?
What was the material that the humans when to mine from the planet?
Who is considered to be the oldest character in Middle-Earth?
Tom Bombadil and Treebeard
Where was Yoda's final home located (on which planet)?
When is Harry Potter's Birthday?
July 31st, 1980
Which actor played the only other District 12 Victor?
Woody Harrelson
What is the name of the planet in which Avatar takes place?
What is the real name of Strider?
Who made the bounty order to have Han Solo frozen?
Jabba the Hutt
Who was Harry's Godfather?
Sirius Black
What was the name of the country in which the Hunger Games takes place?
What is the name of the Na'vi's deity?
What are the names of the 5 wizards and their colors?