X-mas in films, books and music

What color suit does Santa wear? 


What's at the end of Christmas?

The letter "S"

Complete the sentences with the words: 

already, ever, for, since, just

1) I've had my bike _____ three years

2) Jake has loved everything Japanese _____ he was a teenager

3) I don't need a new suitcase. I've _____ got one

4) Have you ____ been to Tokyo?

5) He's looking tired because he's ____ come back from a long trip

1) for

2) since

3) already

4) ever

5) just


Name 5 types of transport

helicopter, hot-air ballon, plane, yacht, coach, underground, skateboard, spacecraft


What color is the "Grinch"?



Name three things you use to decorate a Christmas tree

Baubles, fairy lights, tinsel, a star on top


What phobia do people get when they are afraid of Santa Claus?



Choose the correct alternative

1) Hip-hop began/has begun in New York in the 1970s.

2) Tessa lives in Brooklyn, but she didn't live/hasn't lived there for long.

3) Did he ask/Has he asked her about the holiday yesterday?

4) Is this really the first time you've visited/visited Berlin?

1) began

2) hasn't lived

3) Did he ask

4) 've visited


What type of accomodation is it?

1) a room to sleep in for the night and a morning meal

2) a shelter supported by poles and ropes, that you can carry with you 

3) a wheeled vehicle for living or travelling that contains beds and cooking equipment

4) a type of holiday or visit in which you stay in the home of a person you do not know 

1) bed and breakfast

2) tent

3) caravan

4) homestay 


What is the name of the cartoon where one of the main characters is a snowman who loves warm hugs?



What food and drink do you leave for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve?

Cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer


Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

In the dictionary


Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Present Perfect. 

1) I ___ (to go) to see my brother during my stay in Canada last winter.

2) He _____ (to break) his leg.

3) ___ you ever ____ (to be) to Italy?

4) They ___ (to leave) a couple of minutes ago.

1) went

2) has broken

3) Have you been

4) left


Give extreme adjectives for these words

1) very old

2) very big

3) very bad

4) very cold

5) very funny

6) very ugly

1) ancient

2) huge/enormous

3) horrible/dreadful

4) freezing

5) hilarious

6) hideous 


Fill in the blank: "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle ____"

All the way


What is the most popular New Year's resolution?

To lose weight/to live healthier/to take up a sport/to do on a diet

What usually comes once in a minute, twice a week, and once in a year?

The letter "E"


Correct the mistakes.

1) Is it still raining? No, it have stopped.

2) John has been winning the championship two times.

3) The boys have fished for 3 hours.

4) I haven't heard anything from him last week.

5) Mary never was in South Korea

1) has stopped

2) has won

3) have been finishing

4) didn't hear

5) has never been


Complete the definitions with the correct places in a city.

1) A(n) _______________ is a very tall building with many floors, like the Burj Khalifa or Empire State Building.

2) A(n) _______________ is an area on the edge of a river or sea where ships and boats can arrive and leave a town or city safely.

3) A(n) _______________ is an area of land in a city or town which has four sides and buildings all around it.

4) A(n) _______________ is an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the city live.

5) A(n) _______________ is a structure that you find in parks and gardens. Water comes out of it and goes up into the air.

1) skyscraper

2) port

3) square

4) suburb

5) fountain


Where did Kevin's family go for the Christmas holidays in "Home Alone"?

To Paris


Name the fruit that is used to make Christingles.



If a monkey had a Christmas song, what would it be called?

Jungle Bells


Complete the following exercise with Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continous.

1) He _____ (to work) in the garden all morning and she’s still not finished. 

2) I ______ (to drink) two bottle of grape juice last night. I don’t feel too well today. 

3) I _____ (to have) the same car for ages. I'm thinking about getting a new one. 

4) I ______ (to cook) for the last two hours and now you tell me you’re not hungry! 

5) I couldn't go to school yesterday as I _____ (not feel) very good. 

1) has been working

2) drank

3) have had

4) have been cooking

5) didn't feel


Replace the parts in italics with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.

1) We helped my elderly grandmother to enter the car

2) She showed her ticket to an official and went through departures without a delay

3) The passengers felt frightened as the plane started to fly in the storm

4) The train stopped working in the middle of the station and we were delayed for hours

5) She started her voyage from Devon on 14th August

1) get into

2) checked in

3) took off

4) broke down

5) set off


According to the song "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch," how cuddly is the Grinch?

As cuddly as a cactus
