The therapist has the patient reaching to their strong side due to them being unaware that they lean towards their affected side. What condition might this patient have?
BONUS (100): What structure in the brain might you see a lesion
Pusher syndrome
BONUS: Thalamus
Which cranial nerves is spongebob utilizing in frames 2&3 (top right/bottom left)
When ascending stairs, which leg would you instruct the patient to lead with?
What body part/muscle group is essential in aiding respiratory functions
Whenever you ask the patient to wave goodbye, they do not complete the action. But whenever they leave they can wave without thinking about it. We know the patient is capable of waving, but perhaps their motor cortex is not functioning properly. What neurological condition could this be.
Nobody handles balls quite like Brayden! Which lobe of the brain allows Brayden to see the balls in the air allowing him to be the ball juggling master?
Occipital lobe
Pt is holding cane in the right hand. Which limb would you assume is affected?
It was discovered that a classmate thinks peeling crawfish is just too much work. Instead, he opts for eating the whole thing (head/tail included). What nerve is responsible for allowing him to munch down on those crunchy mudbugs?
BONUS (100): List all the muscles of mastication
CN V (motor)
BONUS: Masseter, pterygoid muscles, temporalis
Brandt is a beautiful artist, but recently only half of his drawings has been up to par. What neurological condition is causing Brandt to neglect one-half of the world.
BONUS (100): What hemisphere of the brain is likely affected
Hemispatial Neglect
BONUS: Right hemisphere
PT school has Cassidy fighting demons. Which structure in Cassidy's limbic system is overactive causing intense emotions.
Which AD requires the most energy expenditure
Standard walkers
After getting bit by a mosquito on the inside of his wrist, Chase decided the best way to relieve the itch was to bite at it. What myotome is responsible for allowing Chase to bring his wrist to his mouth?
Joel Embiid suffered from this condition in game 3 of the NBA playoffs against the Knicks. He was unable to close his left eye due to compression of the CN VII nerve root. What is the name of this condition?
BONUS(100): how many points did he drop this game
Bell's Palsy
Bonus: 50
Jordan has a severe WingStop addiction. One taste and an influx of dopamine rushes into his brain. What tegmentum structure is responsible for his crippling addiction.
Substantia Niagra
This patient claims he stands on business, but upon testing you find he is NWB through both legs, but UE strength is 5/5. Which transfer would be the most efficient to use from chair to bed.
Sliding board transfer OR two-therapist lift
Dave Chapelle explained that paraplegics are fun to have at these special types of parties because this dermatome has been affected.
LISTEN HERE BROTHER. You may think my mustache was part of my look, but I kept it because I felt intense pain whenever I tried to shave it off. What cranial nerve was responsible for this?
BONUS (100): What is the name of this condition
BONUS: Trigeminal Neuralgia
Allison is one sleepy lady. Which section of the brainstem is responsible for Allison's inability to stay awake while hanging out with friends?
Bonus (100): Which gland produces melatonin
BONUS: Pineal gland
This patient's physical therapist discharged him to outpatient care even though he has broken every bone and has a history of paper skin, fish rabies, fishyllis, and krabs. What was a better healthcare facility to choose.
Name the 5 terminal branches of the brachial plexus
Hula-Hooping is a great exercise to practice coordination of the trunk. Unfortunately for Nick, it appears he is unable to do so. Where you might suspect a lesion in his cerebellum?
Austin had the bright idea of lighting every candle he had in his extensive collection. After lighting the 50th one, he noticed burn marks on his left hand, but he never experienced pain. Which spinal tract might be impaired?
BONUS(100): What afferent nerve would be responsible for initiating the flexor withdrawal response
Lateral spinothalamic
BONUS: A delta fiber
This silly goose suffers from a condition where his PIP is extended and DIP is flexed. What is the medical term for this.
BONUS(100): Condition where PIP flexed, DIP hyperextended
Swan-neck deformity
BONUS: boutonniere deformity
Beetlejuice can speak well but has impaired comprehension leading to hilarious, but confusing responses. Other than the most obvious reason for this, what neurological condition could be occurring.
Fluent/receptive aphasia
QUICK! Name every cranial nerve without looking at your fingers. (30 SECONDS)
A patient has bone cancer that has matriculated to the lungs. What is MOST likely cause of this?