Describe the differences in eastern boundary currents and western boundary currents.

Eastern boundary currents: southward slow flowing branches of subtropical gyres; most biologically productive currents in the world

-- upwelling: cold deep nutrient rich water rising to surface due to ekman transport & coasts being aligned with prevailing winds

-- equatorward pushes surface water to the WEST (away from coast) bc of coriolis force & to replace the water that flows away, deeper water must move up

-- gradient in SSH (low near coast and high in open ocean) creates a jet that becomes unstable and moves cold water and biological production offshore

-- 4 main currents

Western boundary currents: climate/heat regulation; fastest currents in the world

-- balance between coriolis and pressure gradient exists because of the temperature differences between the coast and offshore

-- carries warm waters NORTH along east coasts of continents

-- warm water reaches high latitudes and loses a lot of its heat --> sinks and feeds deep cold water circulation

-- 4 deep water formation points in the world
