Both Volleyball and Basketball were invented by Y.M.C.A staff in the 1890s in this U.S. State.
Lightspeed: About how many minutes does it take for sunlight to reach Earth? (A. 8 minutes; B. 18 minutes; C. 80 minutes)
A. 8 minutes
U.S. States: Only U.S. State whose name is 1 syllable.
The Continents: This Continent has the lowest high point & the highest low point, less than a 7,500 foot difference.
Mountains: Of the USA's 50 tallest peaks, all are in Alaska, Colorado, and California except this peak.
Mount Rainer (Washington)
Athletes: He was an Olympian, Played Pro-Baseball for the Reds, and was a charter member of Pro-Football's Hall of Fame.
Jim Thorpe
Planets: Containing less than 1% of the mass in the Solar System, it's the second most massive object in it.
U.S. Cities: 1 of the 10 largest cities in the U.S., it was named for a man the Cherokees called "the Raven".
Asian Countries: In Population, it's the largest country that's not a member of the United Nations.
Americana: An 1890 Act of Congress says these can be redesigned no more than once every 25 years.
Sports Stars: His given name is Eldrick, his more famous nickname honors his father's friend from his time in the Vietnam War.
Astronauts: He made 2 Gemini flights, 2 Apollo flights, and 2 shuttle flights including the first in 1981.
John W. Young
U.S. Cities: This city has been the site of more major party presidential nominating conventions than any other. It held its first convention in 1860, most recent in 1996.
Chicago (25 since 1860)
World News: Which ex-NBC anchor was the only newsman reporting live from the scene the night the Berlin Wall fell, November 9, 1989?
Tom Brokaw
American Cities: Which city lays claim to the first subway in the U.S., which opened in 1897?
Archaeology: Discovered in 1799, it records the deeds of Egyptian King Ptolemy V Epiphanes.
The Rosetta Stone
State Capitals: It's the only State Capital whose name has 3 sets of Double Letters. (No other state capital even has 2 sets)
Feats: In 1889, American journalist Nellie Bly became the first woman to do what in 72 days, 8 days less than Jules Verne penned?
Circumnavigate the World
Music Icons by Middle Name: What is Paul McCartney's middle name?
Paul (Sir James Paul McCartney)
Fads: It was inspired by a piece of Australian Phys. Ed. equipment & 100 million were sold worldwide in 1958
Hula Hoops
Atmosphere: Of the 5 layers of the Earth's atmosphere, which is closest to the ground? Exosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Troposphere.
Troposphere (6-20 km)
U.S. Geography: The longest boundary between any 2 U.S. states is the one between these two.
Texas & Oklahoma (715 miles)
Feline Employment: In 2006, after budget cuts forced layoffs of human employees, a cat was named station master at a city train station in which country?
Famous Documents: Where were the original Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Gettysburg Address stored during WWII for safe keeping?
Fort Knox