What classroom is English 6 in?
MVP stands for
Most Valuable Passage
This student knows four programming languages!
When citing evidence, does your period go before or after the parenthesis?
"Evidence," (citation).
The theme of our course is...
What color are the chairs in English?
blue and green
Name all six archetypes in Dystopia
Hero, Anti-hero, Sidekick, Villain, Mentor, Mother Figure
This student has practiced Kung fu for 8 years (and still does...)
Kailey Ho
Most often, a thesis statement is made up of...
Your claim + your reasons
Name the authors of The Giver, Knots In My Yo-Yo Strings, and The City of Ember
Lois Lowry
Jerry Spinelli
Jeanne DuPrau
How many green wiggle chairs are in the classroom?
How is a character trait different than an emotion?
Trait: lasting part of their personality
Emotion: feeling
These two students shared a birthday this past weekend...
Ashna and Chiara! (Happy bday!)
You've written a ton of essays this year. Can you name all 5?
The Giver response
Personal Narrative
Dystopian Critique
Short Story essay
Informational Essay
Next year, what classroom will you meet in for 7th grade English?!
What book is represented with artwork around the classroom?
The City of Ember
How does a character respond to power? (4)
Seek power, Resist power, Exert power, Submit to power
This student's username on Fortnite is : CharliDaSmellio_
Ellie Yoon
When writing a Personal Narrative, we chose a story we wanted to grow. We called this our what?
Seed Story
Name the five mentor texts we studied this year.
Everything Will Be Okay
The Fight
Harrison Bergeron
How many grey chairs were used this year?
(one has been broken in the closet all year long)
The setting is made up of:
Physical place + psychology of the place (feel)
This student's name does not have two "r"s or have a last name that starts with a "b"...
Baron Frolik
(Sorryyyy Barron Brolik!)
What matters more than the final writing product?
The writing process.
How many NORMS did we create at the beginning of the year for English 6
Respect yourself and others, Go outside your comfort zone, Equity!, Work together, Be present, Communicate!