Name two things that are included as a part of proper drumstick technique
Any 4:
-Thumbs on 5A/one inch underneath pinky
-Pointer fingers wrapped around
-Palms down
-Pizza/triangle shaped
-Wrist motion
What state to ukuleles originate from?
What does PJ stand for?
Define improvisation
Making something up off the top of your head
How many strings are on a ukulele?
How do we remember the space notes on the treble clef?
Name at least three sounds we can make while bucket drumming
-Stick click
What does "ukulele" translate to mean?
Jumping fleas
Read this rhythm:
___ 2 ____ 4 ____ 2 ____ 4
When reading bucket drumming music, where on the drum should you play notes that are X'd out?
On the rim
What European nation inspired the design of the ukulele?
Name one phrase we use to remember the line notes of the treble clef.
Every Good Burger Deserves Fries...
What was the name of the song that we focused on reading this quarter while bucket drumming?
What are the names of each string on a ukulele?
G, C, E, and A
Name the 5 expectations in the Musicians' Toolbox
Control my body
Control my voice
Use my imagination