Fluid & Electrolyte Imbalances
Disorders of Depression

What is a common electrolyte imbalance characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood?

Hypokalemia is a common electrolyte imbalance characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood.


This subtype of depression is characterized by its occurrence during the winter months when there is less natural sunlight.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?


Usually has an identifiable cause - either somatic, visceral or nociceptive.

Acute pain


What does the term 'double-blind' mean? 

Participants and researchers are blinded. But can include the patients, research team, outcome/safety assessors. 


Which of the following is true or false? In a 95% confidence interval measuring the mean SBP in a sample of 100 patients taken from a population, the sample mean was 115. If the interval was 115 +/ 5. 

1. There 95% probability that the true mean lies between the interval

2. 95% probability that if 100 samples were retaken, 95 of those would contain the true mean


What are some common signs and symptoms of fluid volume deficit as discussed in Newell's chapter on fluid, electrolyte and acid-base imbalances?

Decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, increased heart rate, decreased urine output, and hypotension


In nursing practice, this initial step involves gathering comprehensive data about the patient's mood, affect, and daily activities to form a baseline for care planning.

What is a mental health assessment?


TRUE OR FALSE: chronic pain is only experienced at a certain time of a person's life, for more than six months.

False. Chronic pain can be experienced at any point in one's lifetime, including early childhood.


What study design is the gold standard for testing the effectiveness of a treatment

Randomized Controlled Trial (RCTs)


This type of patient observation, according to the RNAO (2009) will occur when “This is for the person at extremely high risk of suicide who is expressing active suicidal intent. He/She may have recently carried out an act of deliberate self-harm, have unpredictable psychotic states and/or be impulsive and aggressive. This requires observation within reach of the person for safety purposes. On some occasions, more than one nurse may be required.”

  Within reach observation.


Which electrolyte is commonly lost through excessive sweating, leading to symptoms such as muscle cramps and weakness, and what is its role in maintaining proper muscle function?

The electrolyte commonly lost through excessive sweating is potassium. Potassium plays a crucial role in maintaining proper muscle function by regulating muscle contraction and relaxation.


How do the National Guidelines for Seniors' Mental Health recommend healthcare professionals address suicidal ideation in older adults who may be reluctant to seek help?

Non-judgmental and empathetic therapeutic relationship, using culturally sensitive communication strategies, providing education about mental health conditions and the effectiveness of interventions, involving family members or caregivers in the assessment and treatment process, and ensuring continuity of care and follow-up to monitor for changes in suicidal ideation over time


The medication Methotrexate belongs to which drug class?

Disease-modifying antirheumatic medicines (DMARDs).


What is allocation concealment?

The person who generates the random assignment remains blind to what condition the person will enter. It helps prevent selection bias, how (the process) by which participants are randomly allocated to groups is concealed. Example: Participants are assigned to two study groups (Placebo=P and Drug=D) using the following sequence: PPDDPDPDDPDDPP. Allocation concealment refers to hiding this sequence from the research team to not influence the study in any way


Which class of antidepressants can also be used to treat neuropathic pain?

Tricyclic antidepressants


What labs and signs/symptoms would you expect to see in a patient with dehydration?

Increased Hct and BUN, increased urine specific gravity, low BP, rapid pulse, increased temperature, decreased urine output, skin tenting, dry skin and mucous membranes.


Considered a second-line treatment for depression when medication and therapy have been unsuccessful, this nursing intervention requires special training and involves passing an electrical current through the brain to induce seizures

What is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)?


A chronic disease which causes pain, tenderness and fatigue throughout the whole body



In evidence-based practice, what term describes the systematic review of research studies to determine the reliability, validity, and applicability of their findings to clinical decision-making?

Critical appraisal 


In a study looking at the risk of side effects with a new medication, a relative risk of 1.3 was calculated. 

What does this mean in terms of the likelihood of experiencing side effects when taking this medication, compared to not taking this medication?

Individuals who take the medication are 1.3 times more likely to experience side effects. 


This common condition, often caused by prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, results in a deficiency of sodium and chloride ions in the body, leading to symptoms such as muscle weakness, fatigue, and confusion. What is the term for this electrolyte imbalance, and what is its medical treatment?

What is hyponatremia? Treatment often involves fluid restriction and administration of intravenous saline solutions, depending on the severity of the imbalance.


This scale, utilized by nurses and other healthcare providers, quantitatively measures the severity of depressive symptoms and is often used to gauge treatment progress in geriatric patients. 

What is the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)?


Use of cannabis will not be subjected to the zero-tolerance drug requirements UNLESS

There is an impairment in the ability to drive.


What is the term for the type of study design that involves the systematic collection and analysis of data from a group of individuals over time to examine the association between various factors and outcomes, often used to establish causality?

The term for the described study design is "cohort study."


A patient presents to your emergency room experiencing intense pain. Upon further assessment, he is given an opioid analgesic. You notice that he has no prior use of analgesics, is on Reglan (a antimetic), and has obstructive sleep apnea. The following 2 assessments should be performed to evaluate the response to opioid therapy 

Sedation and resp assessment
