Validity & Reliability
Evaluation of Data

Discovering what students know while they're still learning it. 

What is formative assessment? 

We saw this in our project when students took the pre-assessment. 


Characteristic of an assessment that measures what it is supposed to measure. 

What is validity?

For example:

Our objective was "Use evidence-based strategies for administering assessments to meet the needs of all students."

Our #8 was "What is the purpose of using universal design in assessments?". UDL is an evidence-based strategy for assessment. By answering this question, we are measuring student understanding and knowledge of this objective directly. 


Standards for assessment design that "allow participation of the widest range of students, and to produce valid inferences about performance" for all students. 

What is Universal Test Design?

We used UTD when creating our chapter 9 assessment. 


People working together toward a common goal.

What is collaboration?

We utilized collaboration throughout our entire project. We worked with one another to create an assessment as well as learning experience for the whole class. 


Determined by examining which students performed the lowest on an assessment. 

What are focus students?

We determined our focus students by looking at the pre and post test data on our data chart. We highlighted the students who scored the lowest and would need extra support moving forward.  


Used to evaluate student learning at the conclusion of a unit. 

What is a summative assessment?

We used summative assessment when students took the final chapter 9 test. 


Consistency and precision in scores. 

What is reliability?

When collecting and analyzing data we noted both the average score and the most missed questions for both the pre and post assessment. 


When you differentiate this, you are altering WHAT students are learning.  


We did not differentiate any content for our chapter.


Collaboration is one of these skills.

What are the 4Cs?

We used collaboration by having the class create their assessments in small groups rather than individually.


Tool used to easily create data charts. 

What is Google Sheets?

We used Google Sheets to create our data chart. Having all the data in one place makes it easy to share results with other teachers, admin, etc.


Using creative learning experiences to test students' skills and knowledge in realistic situations. 

What is authentic assessment?

We used authentic assessment in our project when students created their own assessments utilizing the principles of Universal Test Design.


The majority of the class missed question #6 on the final chapter assessment. This reflects reliability but not ______________.

What is validity? 


When you differentiate this, you are altering HOW students are learning. 

What is process?

We differeniated process by sharing content multiple ways. We used slides, video, simulations, reading, and discussion. 


Google tool used for individuals to share thoughts on an interactive whiteboard. 

What is Jamboard?

We utilized a Jamboard for groups to share thoughts during our "creating questions" learning center. 


After viewing data from a pre-assessment, these are the concepts that need the most attention. 

Hint: Geology

What are "big rocks"?

The "big rocks" from our unit included the three types of validity, the purpose of Universal Test Design, and whether one assessment 100% accessible for all. 


Approach to educational assessment that requires students to demonstrate what they know and are able to do through open-ended tasks such as constructing an answer, producing a project, or performing an activity. 

What is performance assessment? 

We used a performance assessment for our project when we had students create their own assessments as well as give feedback on one we created. 


The majority of the class got question #4 correct on the final chapter assessment. This reflects validity and __________.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

What is reliability?


When you differentiate this, you alter how students express what they have learned. 

What is product?

We differentiated product by allowing the class to create their assessments over any topic. 


Small group reading strategy where every student has a specific role. 

What is 4 share?

We utilized 4 share in our validity learning center. 


Scoring guide that assesses and articulates specific expectations for a task. 

What is a rubric? 

We used a rubric to assess student performance for all extended response questions on our final assessment. Students were able to view this rubric to make sure they received all the points. We used this rubric when grading the assessment to assure it was done so fairly. 
