Why Is Reading Beneficial?
Animal Farm

Should you cheat on tests?



Why do we annotate?

We annotate because it helps use take in the most important parts of what we have read. It also helps us because we can just go back and re-read that for a refresher instead of reading the whole thing over again.


How does reading interact with your brain?

There are multiple ways but one would be it enhancing your memory because you have to remember the plot, characters, and many details to understand and enjoy a book. Each new memory makes a new brain pathway and strengthens old ones.


Who is Emily Dickinson?

Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest poets of all time. (one of Mr. Dennis favorites) Her writing made an impact on the world because she was one of the early feminist voices.


Who was the hardest working animal on the farm?



What will happen if you cheat your entire way through school/life?

If you always cheat you will be a very unsuccessful human being and be very disappointed with your life when you look back on it.


Do you always have to annotate?

No! But you should if there is a lot of information that needs to be summarized and do what helps you remember things.


Reading improves sleep. True or False?

True, it is a sign to your body that it is time to wind down and relax.


We studied "100 Years" by George Orwell. True or False?

FALSE We studied "Forty Years" by Mary Oliver.


What animal loved sugar and hairbows?



What is one of the "easiest" ways people do to cheat?

Most times people will just use AI to determine answers for them, which can be helpful if you need help but you shouldn't just ask straight answers.


What are some ways you can annotate?

Circle/highlight key details, write short notes or questions you have, summarize paragraphs in your own words, and make personal connections.


Why is reading a physical book better than listening to an audio book?

An audio book limits you in certain environments because it requires power and technology. Also on an audio book the narrators voice can guide your imagination with their tone when reading a paper book your imagination is free.


Did Eric Blair or George Orwell write Animal Farm?

Both, they are the same person!


The book ended with Mollie and Boxer returning. True or False? 



Is asking for help classified as cheating?

No, but you should at least try to figure out the problem before asking, then you can ask for help or to get your work checked for clarity.


What can annotating do for you?

It can help you better understand the content and/or to realize the authors main points or trends.

How does reading improve your vocabulary and language skills?

Reading introduces you to new phrases, words, and sentence structures. Which helps strengthen verbal and written communication.


Who sings the song "Cold Missouri Waters"?

James Keelaghan 


What is the main theme of "Animal Farm"?

Control of power 


Why would someone find it easiest to just cheat instead of doing the work?

A lot of people put of all of their work to the very last second and then feel stressed and just want to get it done so instead of trying to understand the material they just look up the answers to finish it all.


You shouldn't ask questions while annotating. True or False?

FALSE You should challenge yourself to ask questions about what you're reading!

Can you control your reading pace equally with a physical book and an audio book?

Not really an audio book can be adjusted but its less flexible than your natural reading pace. There are also more distractions with audio books and then you could miss key details.


The poem "Because I could not stop for death-" by Emily Dickinson is what number?

Number 479


What commandments were changed and what were they changed to?

4. BEFORE "No animal shall sleep in a bad" AFTER "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets". 

6. BEFORE "No animal shall kill any other animal" AFTER "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause".

7. BEFORE "All animals are equal" AFTER "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".
