This is called the top number in a fraction
The adult body is approximately this % of water
What is Rx drug Coverage
The first state to allow assisted suicide
What is Oregan
Required time for proper hand washing
What is 20 seconds
How is insulin measured
What is in units
Carbs yield how many kcal/gm
What is 4
What assessment is a poor indicator for hydration status in the elderly
What is Skin turgor or thirst
Communication tool SBAR stands for
What is situation, background, assessment, and recommendation
Temperature of the water for a soaps suds Enema
What is 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit
Microdrip infusion tubing delivers at
What is 60 gtt/mL
Recommended daily intake % for protein
What is 10-35%
#1 priority in patient care of the elderly
What is safety
Form of aggressive behavior that is more harmful than sexual harassment but is not against the law
What is Insidious aggression
PERRLA stands for
What is Pupils Equal Round Reactive to Light, Accomodation
The most you can administer in a Deltoid muscle for IM injection
What is 2-3 mL
3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol base
What is a triglyceride
What is respite care
Leadership style that thrives on power with little regard to others feelings or ideas
What is Autocratic or Aggressive
You should trim the ostomy wafer how many inches wider than the stoma
What is 1/4 to 1/8 inches
You divide by this to convert 6 oz. to lbs
What is divide by 16
To lose 1 lb per week you need to reduce this number of calories per day
What is 500 calories per day
an irreversible, slow insidious process that results in progressive loss of cognitive function and causes damage to the cerebral cortex
What is Alzheimer's
HIPAA stands for
What is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
This is a hospital acquired infection
What is a Nonsocomial Infection