The study of psychology the focuses on physical attributes, cognitive skills, moral reasoning and social behavior across the lifespan.
What is developmental psychology?
This is any procedure that conducts an investigation that relies upon experimentation and systematic observation.
What is the empirical method.
The lobe that processes vision in the brain.
What is the occipital lobe?
This idea states that the environment we grow up in affects how we develop even physically. (It is one side of a debate.)
What is Nurture?
This type of intelligence is considered street smarts in Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence.
What is practical intelligence?
The form of psychology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior.
What is clinical psychology?
The process of examining one's own thoughts, emotions, judgements and perceptions.
What is introspection?
The sleep disorder that involves screams and waking to a sense of panic.
What is night terrors?
John B. Watson wanted to prove this with the little Albert experiment.
What is that emotions can be conditioned?
This IQ on the bell curve and lower indicates the possibility of intellectual disability.
What is 70?
The number that represents the strongest negative correlation meaning as one variable decreases, the other increases.
What is -1?
The space between two neurons.
What is the synapse?
These types of drugs increase the activation of the nervous system such as cocaine.
What are stimulants?
This is taking away something bad to increase a behavior or response.
What is negative reinforcement?
_______ are memories we can recall from long term memory but _________ are implied as they are procedures that we remember without having to think about them.
What is explicit and implicit memories?
This is the variable that is affected by the experimenter.
What is the independent variable?
The central nervous system is broken into these two parts.
What is the central and peripheral?
The _______ is at the front of the eye where light passes through before it enters an opening called the ______ before hitting the retina.
What is cornea and pupil?
This type of learning occurs when watching others.
What is observational or modeling?
Repeating things over and over again to keep them in short term memory so one will remember them?
What is maintenance rehearsal?
This type of research can prove cause and effect conclusions.
What is experiments?
Loss of sleep that can cause emotional and cognitive deficits.
What is sleep deprivation?
These sensory receptors let you see in low light.
What are rods?
What is grammar?
What is retroactive interference?