What vessel demonstrates higher resistance than the CCA and ICA?
What is the ECA
Where does the great saphenous vein start and end?
What is starts at the dorsum of the foot and ends at the saphenofemoral junction in the groin.
The popliteal vein becomes the _____ at the Hunter's canal?
What is femoral vein?
What is the etiology of a TIA?
What is embolic?
See power point. What vessel is this?
What is ECA?
What is the finding of an ABI that is <.8?
What is probably claudication?
What are the components of the Virchow's Traid?
What is endothelia damage, venous stasis and hypercoagulability?
See powerpoint, What are the arteries labeled as 1 , 2 , 3
What is
1. Basilar
2. innominate
3. vertebral
What is the most common vertebral pathophysiology?
What is subclavian steal?
What is the degree of stenosis:
ICA PSV = 245 cm/s
plaque = 60%
ICA/CCA ratio = 4.1
ICA EDV = 115 cm/s
What is greater than or less to 70% degrees of stenosis
See PowerPoint. What are arteries 1, 2 and 3?
What is
1 = femoral artery
2 = ATA
3 = PTA
What are the characteristics of acute thrombous?
What is?
Homogeneous appearance |
Lightly speckled soft/dark echoes |
Partly compressible |
Distended vein |
Incomplete adherence to wall |
What is the intracranial communication channel that connects the anterior and posterior circulatory system?
What is the Circle of Willis?
vertigo, syncope, drop attacks, diplopia, and flow direction analysis during routine carotid duplex exam; these basilar symptoms are indications for what type of exam?
What is vertebral exam?
See power point. What is the vessel and is it high or low resistance?
What is subclavian and what is high resistance?
What is the most common location for an aneurysms in the lower extremity?
What is popliteal artery aneurysm?
See powerpoint. What part of the WCUI protocol is this at?
What is Transverse femoral vein proximal?
What artery originates from the brachial artery and travels down the medial side of the forearm into the hand?
What is ulnar artery?
What type of veins course between the superficial and deep systems through the deep fascia?
What are perforating veins?
What is the SRU criteria for 50-69% degree of stenosis? (Draw on the board)
What is
ICA PSV = >150 cm/s
Plaque = > 50%
ICA/CCA ratio = 2.0-4.0
ICA EDV = 60-100 cm/s
What does a calf claudication suggest?
What is a femoral/ popliteal disease?
On the board, draw the deep venous system from the IVC ending the Peroneal veins.
Colette will be the judge.
See powerpoint, What are the labels 1 , 2 , 3
What is
1 = axillary vein
2 = brachial
3 = cephalic
The deep venous system carries about ____ of blood volume in the legs?
The Superficial system carries about ____ of blood volume in the legs?
What is 85% and 15%