an ethical theory that promotes action based on the end result that produces the most good (happiness) for the most people.

What is Utilitarianism


This term emphasizes the status of persons as autonomous moral agents whose rights to determine their destinies should always be respected

what is autonomy 

  1. Which Of The Following Has Been Implicated In The Predisposition To Substance Abuse?

    1. hereditary factor

    2. fixation in the adolescent stage of psychosexual development

    3. punitive ego

    4. narcissistic and dependent personality traits

answer 1. 


A primary chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry where a dysfunction in these circuits is connected to an individual pathologically pursuing reward and or relief by substance use and other behaviors

What is Addiction


Type of person that promotes trust and ensures that rules do not interfere with fulfillment of the goals.

What is a leader

  1. The nurse is assessing a client for side effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Which side effects are common and to be expected? 

    1. Temporary confusion

    2. Enduring memory loss

    3. Residual seizure disorders

    4. Cardiovascular complications

What is 1.

  • The goal of cognitive therapy is for clients to learn to identify and alter the dysfunctional beliefs that predispose them to distort experiences. True Or False?

What is True

  1. A client states, “I just failed my college English course. I’ve never failed a class before so when my parents find out they are going to disown me. They’ll hate me and never forgive me for this.” The nurse recognizes this client’s statement as which type of automatic thought?

A.    Arbitrary influence

B.    Minimization

C.    Catastrophic thinking

D.    Personalization

What is C.


A 25-year-old man barely avoids a motor vehicle accident. His heart is pounding, his palms are sweaty, and his respirations are increased. This is an example of which stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

  1. Alarm reaction stage

  2. Stage of resistance

  3. Stage of exhaustion

  4. Stage of biological stress

What is alarm stage 


Two students fail their introductory nursing course. One student plans to seek tutoring and retake the course next fall. The second student attempts suicide. Which of the following factors would have been influential in the development of the second student’s crisis? 

  1. The time of year in which the event occurred

  2. The presence of support systems

  3. A lack of adequate coping mechanisms

  4. The individual’s family birth order

What is 3.

  1. After repeated requests for a client to unpack and get settled on the psychiatric unit, the client states, “I have no intention of unpacking and staying on this unit.” To avoid a confrontation, the nurse unpacks the client’s belongings. Which nursing behavior is exemplified?

A.    Positive role modeling

B.    Negative reinforcement

C.    Assertiveness

D.    Aggressiveness

what is B.


The most common reason that women give for staying in an abusive relationship

They fear for their lives or their children's.


a form of psychosocial treatment in which a number of clients meet together with a therapist for purposes of sharing, gaining personal insight, and improving interpersonal coping strategies

What is group therapy


This drug is used in ECT and it relaxes muscles so you will need to assist with breathing by giving oxygen

What is Succinylcholine


Cognitive therapy techniques are not within the scope of nursing practice true or false?

What is False.


thoughts that occur rapidly in response to a situation and without rational analysis; sometimes called cognitive errors are?

What are Automatic thoughts

  1. The nurse is caring for an actively suicidal client on the psychiatric unit. What is the nurse’s priority intervention?

  2. Discuss strategies for the management of anxiety, anger, and frustration.

  3. Provide opportunities for increasing the client’s self-worth, morale, and control.

  4. Place client on suicide precautions with one-to-one observation.

  5. Explore experiences that affirm self-worth and self-efficacy.

what is 5


  1. Cindy regularly develops nausea and vomiting when she is faced with a stressful situation. Which of the following is most likely a predisposing factor to this maladaptive response by Cindy?

    1. Cindy inherited her mother's “nervous” stomach.

    2. Cindy is fixed in a lower level of development.

    3. Cindy has never been motivated to achieve success. 

    4. When Cindy was a child, her mother pampered her and kept her home and kept her home from school when she was ill

Cindy inherited her mother's “nervous” stomach.


This therapy supplies illicit drug users with a replacement drug, a prescribed medicine such as methadone or buprenorphine, which is usually administered orally in a supervised clinical setting

What is substitution therapy

  1. An angry client states to the nurse, “You red- headed skinny witch. You can’t tell me what to do.” Which appropriate intervention would the nurse implement during this outburst?

  2. Reprimand the client for poor judgment and derogatory remarks.

  3. Respond to angry expressions with matching verbalizations.

  4. Offer support by the use of empathy and therapeutic touch.

  5. Ignore initial derogatory remarks.

what is 5.


All antidepressants carry a black box warning. What is it

may cause suicidal behavior in young people 


a type of Curative Factors of Groups in which you are observing the progress of others in the group with similar problems, a group member garners hope that his or her problems can also be resolved.

What is Instillation of Hope


What medication is most likely given for GAD

What is BuSpar


 an emotional response to anticipation of danger, the source of which is largely unknown or unrecognized.

What is Anxiety 

  1. When an individual's stress response is sustained over a long period, the endocrine system involvement results in which of the following?

    1. Decreased resistance to disease.

    2. Increased libido

    3. Decreased blood pressure

    4. Increased inflammatory response 

What is increased inflammatory response 

  1. Crisis occur when an individual:

    1. Is exposed to a precipitating stressor.

    2. Perceives a stressor to be threatening.

    3. Has no support systems.

    4. Experiences a stressor and perceives coping strategies to be ineffective.

What is 4.


These neurotransmitters have been implicated in the etiology of aggression and violence

What is Dopamine, serotonin, and testosterone


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia takes an antipsychotic agent daily. Which assessment finding should a nurse immediately report to the client's attending psychiatrist?
A. Respirations of 22 beats/minute
B. Weight gain of 8 pounds in 2 months
C. Temperature of 104F (40C)
D. Excessive salivation


  1. A client is preparing to undergo electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Which nursing intervention is appropriate?

    1. Keep the client NPO 24 hours before the procedure.

    2. Verify that informed consent has been granted.

    3. Ascertain that client has dentures securely in place.

    4. Place side rails down for easy access to the restroom.

What is 2. 


Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) Essential feature is a chronically depressed mood for how long ?

What is 2 years.


List the three disorders in Cluster A Personality Cluster

  • Paranoid personality disorder “accusatory”

  • Schizoid personality disorder “aloof” 

  • Schizotypal personality disorder “awkward”


What do you do for a patient having a panic attack

Stay with them 


A client with a history of a suicide attempt has been discharged and is being followed in an outpatient clinic.  At this time, which is the most appropriate nursing intervention for this client?

  1. Provide the client with a safe and structured environment.

  2. Isolate the client from all stressful situations that may precipitate a suicide attempt.

  3. Observe the client continuously to prevent self-harm.

  4. Assist the client to develop more effective coping mechanisms.

What is 4.


 a principle based on the notion of a hypothetical social contract between free, equal, and rational persons.

What is justice 


Under what conditions might a nurse determine that a client should be placed in restraints?

After all other interventions have been unsuccessful and the client is clearly at risk of harm to self or others


list 4 De-Escalation Techniques

  • Calm voice

  • Walk outdoors/fresh air

  • Identify consequences

  • Group participation

  • Reduce stimulation and loud noise
    • Helpful attitude

    • Reduction in demands

    • Decrease waiting times and request


an alteration in mood that is expressed by feelings of elation, inflated self-esteem, grandiosity, hyperactivity, agitation, and accelerated thinking and speaking.

What is Mania 

  • The CABF recommends the use of FIND in making a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. What does FIND stand for?

  • Frequency:  

  • Intensity:  

  • Number: 

  • Duration:

  • A pattern of behavior that is:

  • Socially irresponsible 

    Exploitative and Manipulative

  • Without remorse or guilt (willing to hurt others, little empathy)

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder 

  • Behavior is:

    • Excitable

    • Emotional 

    • Colorful 

    • Dramatic 

    • Extroverted

Histrionic Personality Disorder


When assessing a suicidal patient using the IS PATH WARM process what would be three of the 10 categories you would be assessing. 

  • Ideation:

  • Substance abuse:


  • Anger:

  • Trapped:

  • Hopelessness: 

  • Withdrawal: 

  • Anxiety

  • Recklessness

  • Mood: 

  1. John comes to the mental health clinic with reports of anxiety and depression. According to the transactional model of stress and adaptation, which of the following are important to consider when assessing John’s complaints? (select all that apply)

    1. Johns perception of precipitating events

    2. Past stressors and degree of positive coping abilities 

    3. Existing social supports

    4. Physical strength

    5. Pupillary adaptation to light

What is 1,2,3


What type of questionnaire is this?

Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?

  • Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?

  • Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking?

  • Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves (Eye-opener)?

What is cage questionnaire


Which of the following nursing statements exemplify important insights that will promote effective intervention with clients diagnosed with substance use disorders? Select all that apply.
A. "I am easily manipulated and need to work on this prior to caring for these clients."
B. "Because of my father's alcoholism, I need to examine my attitude toward these clients."
C. "Drinking is legal, so the diagnosis of substance use disorder is an infringement on client rights."
D. "Opiate addicts are typically uneducated, unrefined individuals who will need a lot of education and social skills training."
E. "I can fix clients diagnosed with substance use disorders as long as I truly care about them."

ANS: A, B, D


Which of the following conditions would place a client at risk for injury during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? Select all that apply.
A. Severe osteoporosis
B. Acute and chronic pulmonary disorders
C. Hypothyroidism
D. Recent cardiovascular accident
E. Prostatic hypertrophy

ANS: A, B, D


Name three foods that have Tyramine?

Cheese, wine, and peperoni pizza 


A nurse is caring for a group of clients within the DSM-5 Cluster B category of personality disorders. Which factors should the nurse consider when planning client care? Select all that apply.
A. These clients have personality traits that are deeply ingrained and difficult to modify.
B. These clients need medications to treat the underlying physiological pathology.
C. These clients use manipulation, making the implementation of treatment problematic.
D. These clients have poor impulse control that hinders compliance with a plan of care.
E. These clients commonly have secondary diagnoses of substance abuse and depression.

ANS: A, C, D, E


4 Symptoms of Panic Attack are?

  • Sweating, trembling, shaking

  • Shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort

  • Nausea or abdominal distress

  • Dizziness, chills, or hot flashes

  • Numbness or tingling sensations

  • Derealization or depersonalization

  • Fear of losing control or “going crazy”

  • Fear of dying
