Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5

What law is designed to improve the quality of life of residents living in a nursing home environment?



What are the body systems? 

Integumentary system, Digestive system, Musculoskeletal system, Nervous system, Cardiovascular system, Respiratory system, Urinary system, Reproductive system, Immune system. 


What is communication and the types of communication? 

Successfully sending and receiving messages using signs symbols words drawings and pictures.

Verbal and Non-verbal


What are special diets and why are they important? 

May restrict or totally eliminate certain foods or fluids based on illness/preparation for a procedure or to meet nutritional needs ordered by a doctor and planned by a dietician. 


What is the first and only objective of de-escalation? 

To reduce level and intensity of resident behavior so that discussion becomes possible. 


What is the difference between localized infection and a systemic infection? 

A localized infection is found in one part of the body and the symptoms are limited to that one part of the body whereas a systemic infection affects an entire body part or an entire body system. 


How does a nurse aide show dignity towards a resident? 

The nurse aide shows dignity by treating residents with respect, listening closely, focusing on them as an individual etc. while talking to them and providing care. 


what is the law that protects the privacy of a persons health information? 



What is dehydration and what are the symptoms? 

If fluid intake is less than fluid output. 

Some symptoms may be severe thirst, cracked lips, weight loss, dry skin, sunken eyes, dry mouth and mucous membranes etc. 


What are cognitive changes due to aging? 

Total brain mass decreases, difficulty learning motor skills, motivation to learn decreases, unable to ignore irrelevant stimuli etc. 


What are the ABC's of correct body mechanics? 

Alignment, Base of support, Coordination 


How does a nurse aide show empathy?

A nurse aide can show empathy by understanding another person's feelings and situation without feeling sorry for them. 


What is the difference between abuse, assault, and battery? l

Abuse is the willful infliction of injury resulting in physical harm. 

Assault is threatening to touch or harm without consent. 

 Battery is touching a person without consent. 


What is the nursing process and the steps? 

Method used by nurses to plan and deliver nursing care to the resident. 

Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation.


What are the basic human needs? 

Food, water, safety and security, love and affection, self-esteem, self-actualization. 


What are the three types of transmission-based precautions?

Contacts precautions, Droplet precautions, Airborne Precautions. 


What is the care provided after rehabilitation when residents highest possible functioning has been restored following illness or injury?

Basic Restorative Care. 

What are basic human rights? 

The right to be treated with respect, live in dignity, pursue a meaningful life and be free of fear protected by the constitution. 
when would you fill out an incident report? 

When a mistake is made while providing resident care or a personal item becomes misplaced and or broken. 

If any inappropriate remarks or actions are made to the resident or the staff by a resident or a staff member. 

What are the stages of Alzheimer's Disease? 

Stage 1 no impairment

Stage 2 very mild decline

Stage 3 mild decline

Stage 4 moderate decline

Stage 5 moderate severe decline

Stage 6 Severe Decline

Stage 7 Very severe decline. 


What are the six links of the chain of infection?

Causative agent, Reservoir, Portal of exit, Mode of transmission, Portal of entry, Susceptible host. 


What is person centered care? 

The practice of basing resident care on individual resident needs preferences and expectations. 


What is a restraint and what are the different types? 

Chemical physical or mechanical methods used to restrict freedom of movement or normal access to one's body. 


What is pain? 

Anything and everything the patient says it is occurring where the patient says it does.

What are the stages of grief? 

Stage 1 Denial

Stage 2 Anger 

Stage 3 Bargaining

Stage 4 Depression

Stage 5 Acceptance
