8.2B - Context Clues
8.5F - Inferences
8.7C - Non-linear Plot
Test-Taking Strategies
Literary Terms

At her mother's gentle prodding, Carmen picked up her shopping bags and reluctantly tore her eyes away from the colorful mural. She, Luis, and her mother and father were going to make a night of it down on the San Antonio River Walk.

In paragraph 4, the word reluctantly means - 

A. effortlessly.

B. unwillingly.

C. eagerly.

D. badly.

What is B. unwillingly.


Martin stood at his locker. He just stared into it, hoping his backpack would somehow appear. How could he have left it at home? He had been rushing around all morning. The dog had escaped from him while they walked, he had spilled milk all over the kitchen table, and now this. What a terrible morning.

Martin describes his eventful morning in a way that shows his - 

A. jealousy of his classmates.

B. frustration at the unfortunate events.

C. appreciation for where he lives.

D. gratitude for having a made it to school despite it all.

What is B. frustration at the unfortunate events.


Rosie and her best friend, Janet, had been waiting nearly all day to ride the MEGATRON. It had just opened! Although she thought the roller coaster ride would be fun, the sensation of being flipped through the air made Rosie relive the horrible car accident she had suffered eight years ago. When their cart came to a stop, Rosie barfed over the side railing and began to sob silently. Janet understood the pain her friend was going through and comforted her as they walked back to the car.

Rosie's past experience contributes to the development of the plot by- 

A. allowing her to get through her roller coaster ride unscathed. 

B. causing concern for Rosie's mother who pulls her off the ride immediately.

C. preventing Janet from having a good time.

D. creating tension between the Rosie's inability to separate the past from the present.


What non-linear device did the author use? Why is it important to the story?

What is D. creating tension between the Rosie's inability to separate the past from the present.


What is flashback and it is important because it shows that Rosie had a negative experience that she now connects to any time she's upside down in a moving object.


What is the most important part of taking a test?

What is close reading the text and annotating to make sure you understand what is going on.


How do you make a good inference?

(_____ + _____ = inference)

What is you combine your prior knowledge (schema) with text clues to make a educated and logical guess!


After dinner, they walked to the open-air theater to see a Ballet Folklorico performance. The Mexican folk music started, and the dancers twirled out in their traditional costumes. The women carried fans, and their long ruffled dresses were amazingly colorful. Carmen clapped in delight. "I'm going to draw them with my new pastels," she told her mother with satisfaction.

The word "pastels" in paragraph above means - 

A. paints in a paintbox.

B. black pencils.

C. pale colors such as light pinks.

D. crayons that come in many colors.

What is C. pale colors such as light pinks.


Read this sentence.

When you look closely at the disk, you notice that the message is divided into sections, which may be words or phrases.

The author included the paragraph above to - 

A. show that the text is small.

B. express that the message is very long.

C. reveal that the text looks unreadable.

D. explain that the disk is on display somewhere.

What is C. reveal that the text looks unreadable.


Both daughters returned home from school just as lightening streaked across the greenish-black sky yet. The air was oddly still. When the warning siren shrieked, the family knew that they should head for the storm cellar. 

Which event triggers the main problem in the excerpt?

A.  The warning siren.

B. The family heading to the storm cellar.

C. The air was oddly still.

D.  Both girls had returned home.


What non-linear device is your answer? What is the author trying to tell you?

What is C. The air was oddly still. 


What is foreshadowing because the author is trying to warn us of the calm before the storm.


When context clues fail to help you understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word, what can you do?

What is use a dictionary and infer which dictionary entry best matches the way the word is being used within the text.

(Students answers may vary slightly.)


What is another term for organizational design?

What is text structure?


Read this sentence:

Instead, they hunt for clues that disclose how animals lived long ago.

What does the word disclose mean?

A. Hide

B. Make known

C. Throw away

D. Confess

What is B. Make known.


This unique disk is more than an example of ancient printing, however. It is an unsolved puzzle. Nothing like it has been found anywhere else in the world. For years, scholars argued about the direction of the writing. "But," said Chadwick, "it has now been firmly established that in some places one sign very slightly overlaps that to its right." That proves the maker kept stamping toward the left, creating a spiral toward the center.

The paragraph above best illustrates that - 

A. ancient Minoans read from right to left.

B. the disk was designed to be read from the center outward.

C. scholars disagree on how to read ancient Minoan text.

D. modern printing has no overlap between different characters.

What is A. ancient Minoans read from right to left.


William looked at the sky and kept on biking. He knew he would have to stop soon to put on his jacket, but he wasn't going to turn around just yet. As the wheels spun quickly beneath him and his heart rate increased, he began to feel drops of water on his head. He reached up to wipe the sweat away and checked the sky once more. No rain yet. He pushed on. 

The paragraph above helps build tension in the story by -

A. showing that William is far away from his home, and a storm is coming.

B. suggesting that William is riding his bike at the park. 

C. contrasting riding his bike with the middle of a rainstorm. 

D. revealing that William has never ridden his bike in rain before.


What non-linear device did the author use? Where?

What is A. showing that William is far away from his home, and a storm is coming.


What is the author used foreshadowing with the sweat beading down William's forehead to show he was nervous about the coming storm and to symbolize the rain that would soon slide down his face.


What should you identify in a question before trying to answer?

(Hint: Text mapping)

What is Identify the "Where" and "what" then find evidence or context that applies to the question in the text?



1. How do you find theme?

2. Why are a character's actions, thoughts, and speech important?

3. What are the literary elements that every Fiction story must have?

What is...

1. You find a topic the author is commentating on by focusing on the character interactions within an event and see what lesson the author wants you to learn from that.

2. A character's actions, thoughts, and speech can give you a peek into their internal conflict.

3. Every story must have characters, setting, and a conflict.


One scorching morning in late summer, Terrill was again peering at the dinosaur tracks in the riverbed. The water was low, making it a perfect day to look at the footprints. Terrill followed the huge, three-toed, clawed prints, which looked like they hand been embedded deeply in cement. Farther along, he saw some muddy tennis-shoe tracks. I wonder who else has been exploring around here, he thought.

What does embedded mean in the paragraph above?

A. Sunken in

B. Raised up

C. Covered up

D. Pulled from

What is A. Sunken in.


Many Americans like to eat Chinese food.  They really look forward to the end of the meal when the fortune cookies are served.  These folded-up cookies have messages in them.  Some messages tell what the future will bring.  Other messages give advice.  Still others are just wise sayings.  All the messages are written for Americans.  Fortune cookies are never served in China.

The language in the paragraph above is used to emphasize that - 

A. the messages are in Chinese.

B. people in China can't read English.

C. fortune cookies are an American custom.

D. people in China don't like fortune cookies.

What is C. fortune cookies are an American custom.


Anne watched her granddaughter play happily along the seashore. Suddenly Anne was a child again. She and her sister were playing a game they called mermaid, wearing seaweed in their hair until the sun went down. As she returned to the present, a tear slid down Anne's face. Oh, how she missed Isabelle.

The paragraph above is important to the story because it -

A. explains that Anne is an old woman enjoying her time with her granddaughter. 

B. illustrates that Anne is planning to cling tightly to her granddaughter so as not to lose her.

C. foreshadows that Anne will soon lose her granddaughter.

D. conveys that Anne has lost her sister Isabelle.

What is D. conveys that Anne has lost her sister Isabelle.


What method should you use while  reading the text to annotate and why?

What is TTSAP? Analyzing the title,topic,speaker, audience and purpose helps comprehend the text and the author's reason for writing it. (Students answers may vary slightly.)


Name all 5 text structures/organizational designs

What is...

1. Compare/Contrast

2. Description

3. Problem and Solution

4. Cause and Effect

5. Sequence(chronological/order of events)

(Examples will vary by student)


The Mall of the Emirates boasts the best fashion choices for the region. There are over 500 retail stores in the mall. Among them are the top luxury designers, opulent home furnishings, and high-end department stores.

Which of the following words in paragraph 3 help the reader to understand that opulent means "characterized by wealth or abundance"?

A. Retail, department stores

B. Fashion, region

C. Over 500, mall

D. Luxury, high-end

What is D. Luxury, high end


 The largest planet in our solar system in Jupiter, and it weighs more than all the other planets combined.  Jupiter is made up mostly of hydrogen, ammonia, methane and helium gases.  Jupiter has a diameter of nearly 89,000 miles, which is 11 times the diameter of the earth.  It spins on its axis in 10 hours, a day on Jupiter, but it takes more than 11 years to orbit the sun.   Because of its rapid rotation, there are incredible winds in its atmosphere, and one such wind is “the Great Red Spot.”  This “spot” seems to be a permanent hurricane with winds so fast that we can’t even imagine.  While the temperature of the planet is somewhere around 190 degrees below zero, the planet radiates more energy than it receives from the sun. 

Based on the paragraph above, the reader can conclude what about Jupiter?

A. It is possible for humans to live on Jupiter.

B. Astronauts have visited Jupiter many times.

C. Jupiter is unsuitable for human habitation.

D. Extremely cold planets produce no energy.

What is C. Jupiter is unsuitable for human habitation.


Peter walked briskly down the trail with his well-organized pack on his back. He had food, a bedroll, a compass, matches, water—everything he would need for his three-day hike. The day was sunny and the air was cool. Then a fast-moving shadow crossed his path, the shadow of a large bird in the air. 

Peter looked up and saw a turkey vulture, flying low. Something had died nearby. The air became cold, and a bank of dark clouds moved in. Peter zipped up his jacket and continued on his trail. “The clouds will pass,” he thought. “This will be a hike to remember.” 

It would be memorable, but not in the way Peter had planned.

Which sentence best explains Peter's determination?

A. It would be memorable, but not in the way Peter had planned.

B. Peter zipped up his jacket and continued on his trail.

C. Then a fast-moving shadow crossed his path, the shadow of a large bird in the air.

D. Something had died nearby.

What is B. Peter zipped up his jacket and continued on his trail.


When completing your TTSAP annotations, when the text is Fiction what should you annotate for instead of the "speaker" analyzation?

What is the main characters of the text?

(Student answers may vary slightly.)



1. What are the five elements of plot?

2. What do we call a text that gives Information in a story like or literary format?

What is...

1. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution

2. Literary Nonfiction or Narrative
