Academic Honesty
Rhetoric & Writing

What is the difference between a citation and a reference? Do you always need to include both in your paper? Explain.

Citation = used in the paper to alert the audience that a particular idea is from someone besides the writer.

Reference = a corresponding list of sources for each in-text citation at the end of the paper, so the reader knows exactly where to find the information. 

Yes. Your citation must ALWAYS connect to a reference and vice versa.


What does it mean to have "effective rhetoric"?

To carefully consider the choices when you communicate with a particular audience.  


What is a fragment and how can you fix it?

An incomplete sentence. Make sure that is has a subject + verb and makes sense.


What is the difference between summarizing and
paraphrasing, and why are they more impressive than quoting?

Summarizing = taking a lot of information and making it shorter by discussing the main ideas in your own words.

Paraphrasing = explaining an idea from a source in your own words (usually the same length).

They are more impressive because you are showing that you understand what you read well enough to explain it in your own words.


What is included in an ethos sandwich?

Your voice.

The author (year) - required

The title of the article - preferred                             The credibility of the author -preferred

The quote+paraphrase, or paraphrase, or summary explained well, so we understand the context. 

Your explanation of why this information is important to your argument.

What are comma-splices and run-ons and how can you fix them?

Comma-splices = using a comma to join two Independent Clauses (error)

Run-on = Not including any punctuation to join two Independent Clauses (error) 

1. Period, 2. semi-colon 3. semi-colon+transition word 4. comma+FANBOYS.


Which citation format is correct? Why?

1. According to Brown, M. (2024), in the article "My Students Are Great", ENGL 1110M students are the smartest humans on the planet.

2. According to Brown in "My students are great" (2024), she claims that ENGL 1110M students are the smartest humans on the planet. 

3. According to Brown in the article "My Students Are Great" (2024), ENGL 1110M students are the smartest humans on the planet.

#3 is correct. When writing a paper, use the author's full name or their last name only (such as Brown or Marieka Brown).

In #1 -- "Brown, M." is only used in a reference. 

In #2 -- the year follows the author, not the title AND when using 'according to' we don't need 'she claims'


What are the persuasive appeals, and why should we think about them when we are creating an argument?

Pathos = evoke particular emotions in the audience

Logos = demonstrate the logic of your message (for the audience)

Ethos = demonstrate the credibility of the author

What is parallelism? Give an example.
Various possibilities.

1. Which of these require an in-text citation: 

a quote

a paraphrase

a summary

2. How many sentences does a citation 'cover'?

1. All of them! The ideas are not from your own brain. They are from someone else.

2. A citation only covers ONE sentence. If you have more than one sentence, you need to use 'reminder citations', such as "The author also explains that..."


What is a "rhetorical situation"? Apply this concept to your final project.

A situation in which you use rhetoric. 

Your Exigence

Your Audience

Your Purpose

Your Genre, grammar, style (constraints)


What is the difference between a colon (:) and a semi-colon (;)?

Colon (:) Used at the end of a complete sentence and introduces important information (ta da!)

Semi-colon (;) Connects two independent clauses


What are three things to do to avoid plagiarism?

Various answers possible:

Use an ethos sandwich.

Be sure you have an in-text citation.

Include a reference. 

Quote correctly with "  " and a page number.

Paraphrase or summarize correctly by changing the grammar, the vocabulary, and the structure of the sentences (not just a few words here and there).


What are coherence, unity, and development?

How does each one apply to a paragraph/section and to an entire essay?

Coherence: The ideas in a paragraph or section make sense and flow logically, and the way an entire essay is structured flows logically.

Unity: The ideas in a paragraph/section all relate to the main argument. The ideas in the whole essay relate to the thesis.

Development: Each paragraph/section has enough details, examples to prove each argument. The entire essay provides enough arguments to prove the thesis.


What does NIC(K)EL stand for when thinking about when to use commas?

Never forget to use commas with...

Introducers (transition words and dependent clauses)


Extra information (in the middle or end of a sentence)

