To think of as perfect
The author of The Bronze Bow.
Who is Elizabeth George Speare?
Give me all 7 coordinating conjunctions
For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Ex. Ah! That scared me.
The setting of the Bronze Bow.
Israel during the time of Jesus
She struggled to ________ the doctor's name.
denounce, pronounce, recount, or narrate
What is pronounce?
The two reasons Daniel ran away to the mountains.
He hated the Romans
He hated Amalek
Tell me the prepositions in each sentence and the object of each preposition.
I walked across the street to look inside the store.
Inside the store
Tell me the adverb and the word it modifies
My mom sat on the couch lazily.
Adverb: lazily
Modifies: sat
What shows us that Daniel is letting go of his hate for the Romans?
He invites Marcus into his home
Use the word ascertain in a sentence.
Brings Jesus to heal Leah.
Who is Thacia?
Adj or Adv. and what does the adj or adv modify?
Do not leave practice too early.
What are the definite adjectives?
What are the indefinite adjectives?
Definite: The
Indefinite: A, An
Describe what happens to Daniel's parents.
Daniel's dad dies at the hands of the Romans, he is crucified. His mom dies of a broken heart after she watches her husband die.
The two vocabulary words stem from the root, "Narrat"
What are Narrative and Narrate?
What Daniel made for Thacia.
A pin shaped like a bow.
List the 4 demonstrative adjectives and 3 interrogative adjectives.
Demonstrative: this, that, these, those
Interrogative: Which, what, whose
Write a sentence with a possessive adjective, underline the possessive adj once and the noun it modifies twice. Circle the antecedent.
Ex. Sarah took off her shoes.
Antecedent: Sarah
Possessive adj: her
Modifies: Shoes
The character whose daughter was brought back to life.
The definition, synonym, and antonym for concerted
Definition: done together; combined
Synonym: concentrated, united
Anytonym: scattered
What leads to Daniel to meeting Jesus for the first time? Where? What happens?
Daniel goes to find Simon for materials to fix Rosh's dagger. Simon is with Jesus in a small, smoky room that smells like fresh bread, fish and oil. Jesus is healing people and preaching
Identify all of the words in this sentence, if it modifies something tell me what it modifies
I quickly went to the store across the street and found apples.
I: noun Quickly: adv. modifies went Went: verb
to: preposition the: article store: obj of prep
across: prep the: article street: obj of prep
and: conj. Found: verb apples: noun
Identify each word in the sentence. If it modifies something tell me what it modifies
Wow! My sister and brother recently sent a letter to me.
Wow: Interjection My:Adj. Sister: noun
and: Conjunction Brother: Noun
Recently: Adverb modifies sent
Sent: verb A: adj letter: noun
to: preposition Me: Object of prep
The meaning of the Bronze Bow & where it comes from. 4 things should be listed
Love is the only thing that can bend a bow of Bronze
Psalms 18:34 (from the Bible)
With God all things are possible
A signal of Daniel's presence in the storage room