This term describes an international treaty design that is not vague.
These groups gain their power from access to information.
Transnational Advocacy Networks
This form of military intervention focuses on protecting foreign civilians from man-made harm.
Humanitarian intervention
This word for a very strong norm is one explanation for the pattern of nuclear non-use.
This type of attack is defined by digital targets and digital means.
Nuclear weapons operate based on this 10-letter term.
Questioning statism and functionalism, the Frankenstein model of institutions is associated with this theory of international relations.
To be considered a military intervention, the action must involve this type of military troops.
This weapons system is subject to ethical debates because it makes decisions about targeting and firing without human input.
Autonomous weapons system
This theory expects states to only care about climate change when their national security is affected.
This view of globalization focuses not only on the amount, but on the speed of cross-border transactions.
This type of treaty does not operate through reciprocity.
Human Rights
Because of advances in military medicine, this measure is no longer a reliable way to measure the amount of violent conflict in the world.
Battle deaths
The rational non-use explanation expects states to follow this logic.
The logic of consequences
This problem describes how difficult it is to be certain about the source of a cyberattack.
The Attribution Problem
This model explains how transnational advocacy networks help indirectly pressure repressive governments.
This category of the laws of war governs when states can legitimately begin a war.
Jus ad bellum
The Normative Model
This region links climate change with great power competition.
The Arctic
This form of in-group favoritism relates to absolute gains.
Transnational advocacy groups target issues that are high in this.
Value content
These three changes made the practice of humanitarian intervention possible.
Universal Human Rights, Decolonization, and the end of the Cold War
The Martens Clause
A cyberattack that changes the data in a system.
Integrity Attack