What were Southerners who supported Reconstruction known as?
Cotton, indigo, tobacco
What are three "cash crops" in the Southern Colonies?
Black Codes
What did southern whites use to restrict the freedom of the African American after the Civivl War?
When were the first African Americans brought from Jamestown?
15th amendment
Which amendment gave African Americans the right to vote?
What was the most significant factor that caused the widespread death of Native Americans after contact with the Europeans?
Prevents any one branch of goverment from becoming to powerful.
Jonathan Edwards
What preacher during the Great Awakening gave the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon?
The Freedman's Bureau
Who helped provide African Americans with food, clothes, and education during Reconstruction?
The growing power of former indentured servants
WHat did Bacon's Rebellion exemplify?