This joint in the cervical spine provides most of the rotation of the head and neck:
Atlanto-occipital joint
Maintaining the strength of which muscle group is MOST important to promote safe toilet transfers in the older adult population?
These ligaments provide stability specifically against varus & valgus stress to the knee:
Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
An injury to the tibial nerve may have the following clinical presentation:
Weakness of plantarflexion of the ankle & toe flexion
A "scissors" gait pattern occurs when the swing limb has difficulty passing the static (stance) limb. Each foot may cross midline and yield a negative step width. Tightness of which muscle group would contribute to this dysfunctional gait pattern?
Hip adductors
Relaxation of the diaphragm ________________ the volume of the thoracic cavity.
Poor ergonomic design of a workstation chair or tightness of this structure may contribute to sciatica:
Tightness of the rectus femoris would limit which motions at the hip and knee?
Hip extension, knee flexion
Based on the origin and insertion of the peroneus longus and brevis, these muscles have a moment primarily for _______________ of the ankle.
You are working with a patient with COVID who demonstrates significant weakness and requires minimum (less than 25%) assistance for ADLs and mobility. They have full knee extension and demonstrate a 4/5 MMT for hip extension and knee flexion. Which transfer techniques would be most appropriate?
One person stand pivot
The zygapophyseal joints of the lumbar spine have a _______________ alignment and prevent excessive rotation.
Horizontal (medial/lateral)
Gait involves which of the following movement(s) of the pelvis:
Tilt, Elevation & Depression, Rotation
The early stance phase of gait creates this type of shear force which contributes to deceleration.
Posterior Shear
A limitation in the mobility of this joint is most likely to affect independent and safe driving, particularly pressing the gas and brake pedals:
Lifting with the legs reduces this type of force through the spinal vertebrae & reduces risk for injury.
Shear Force
This soft tissue provides increase support for the lower portion of the spine:
Thoracolumbar fascia
Weakness of the gluteus medius may lead to this compensatory gait pattern:
describe the biomechanics involved with the "Screw Home" mechanism of the knee
The popliteus contracts to laterally rotate the knee to allow for full knee extension
Pressure mapping of your patient's gait pattern reveals increased pressure on the forefoot of both the right and left foot. Which of the following WOULD NOT be a potential contributor to this pressure pattern?
- Anterior Pelvic Tilt
- Lumbar Lordosis
- Posterior pelvic tilt
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
You are working on functional mobility with an individual with mild left knee pain but overall good strength and endurance. They live in a community with limited sidewalks and have to walk over uneven ground frequently for community mobility. Which assistive device do you recommend with what leg advanced first?
A straight point cane held in the right hand and advanced first with the left leg
You are working with a child with spastic cerebral palsy and mild hypertonia (increased muscle tone). In sitting, his pelvis tends to tilt posteriorly, his trunk flexes, and his shoulders are rolled (scapulae protracted) forward. His head and neck tend to flex forward but he does demonstrate the ability to extend his neck actively and hold his head upright. Which of the positions would BEST promote muscular balance in his core and promote neutral posture while participating in play-based interventions?
Prone position; supported on forearms to extend trunk; playing with toys at midline of body on mat
Alignment of the right and left ASIS in the frontal (coronal) plane is used to assess which of the following?
Pelvic Rotation
A medial tibiofemoral angle greater than 195 degrees is termed _____________.
Genu Valgum
A person with weak hip flexors, hemiparesis, and/or foot drop is most likely to demonstrate which gait pattern?
You are working with a patient 2 days post-op after a lumbar vertebrae fusion. The orders specify avoiding rotation of the trunk. During your evaluation, you note functional motion and strength present in the arms and legs. Which of the following would be the most appropriate technique for bed mobility?
Log Roll